The Coffee Shop Problem

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I walk back to my apartment where my roommate is presumably still asleep. I have grocery bags in both of my hands as I walk down the street. I get to my building and walk up the many flights of stairs to my apartment which is unfortunately on the top floor. I fiddle with my keys until I find the one for my apartment. I put the key in the lock and turn it until I hear a click announcing I can enter. I open the door and pick up the bags before going into my apartment.

I find my roommate, Sirius, sulking on the couch with a pint of vanilla ice cream and episode two of Once Upon a Time on the TV. Ordinarily, I wouldn't be worried, he eats ice cream and binges shows all the time, but sulking isn't a normal occurrence and he hates Once Upon a Time.

"Damn," I say putting the bags on the counter in the kitchen. "What has your panties in a twist?"

"Cute guy," Sirius answers still sulking on the couch. "Coffee shop across the street."

"And why does that prove to be a problem?" I ask as I put more ice cream in the freezer.

"Doesn't know I exist," he answers simply scooping another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Oh," I say in realization. "Get dressed, I'm calling James," I say pulling out my phone. James is my brother who I love to remind is younger than me.

"Why do I need to get dressed if you're just calling James?" Sirius questions and I only give him a bitch face in response. "Oh! Emory, no."

"Emory, yes," I say in response and put my phone to my ear. James picks up on the second ring and seems irritated that I'm calling at noon on a Sunday. "Hey, little brother, listen, we have a problem," he responds with a 'what's the problem'? "Sirius is sulking," he says he'll be over in about half an hour with his girlfriend, Lily.

I hang up and slip my phone back into my pocket.

"What'd he say?" Sirius asks around a mouthful of ice cream.

"He'll be over in 30 with Lily," I answer. "And hurry the fuck up and go get dressed!" That effectively gets him up, he puts the lid on the ice cream and jumps up before running to his room. I walk to the couch and get the tub of ice cream to put it back in the freezer, I also turn off the TV.

Precisely 30 minutes later, there's a knock on the door, it's also the exact time Sirius exits his room in a My Chemical Romance t-shirt, jeans, and Vans. He opens the door revealing James in a flannel and jeans holding hands with Lily. James and Sirius hug and Lily walks farther into the apartment to hug me.

"What am I?" I ask when James and Sirius separate and James still doesn't hug me. "Chopped liver?"

James rolls his eyes, but still hugs me. He looks down at me when we separate. "Shorty."

"Yea, yea," I say. "So, the coffee shop problem-"

"Please tell me we are not naming it," Sirius interrupts me.

"You know me," I respond. "Anyway, Sirius saw a cute guy in the coffee shop-"

"Wait," Lily says holding back a laugh. "Guy with brown hair, freakishly tall, lanky?"

We all look to Sirius who nods his head.

"Oh, my god," Lily says really laughing now. "That's Remus Lupin."

When I say Sirius's face went red, it went red. I feel embarrassed for the guy and it's only the four of us here.

"Now we have a name," James claps his hands together. "Let's go get some coffee."

At the mention of coffee, I'm all but sprinting out of the apartment. The four of us walk down the stairs and across the street to the coffee shop. We walk through the door and the little bell above the door chimes to announce our entrance. We find a circular table by a window and sit down.

"Hi, I'm Remus, I'll be your server today," he looks at each of us in turn and his gaze stops on Sirius. "What can I get you today?" He asks still looking directly at Sirius.

"Hmm, I'll take a cappuccino," Sirius says.

"Mocha frappe for me," Lily orders next.

"Two vanilla iced coffees," James says moving his thumb between him and me.

"Oh, Remus," I say as he starts to walk away. He turns back to the table with a quirked eyebrow. "My friend here," I gesture to Sirius who is blushing furiously, "thinks you're cute. Is there any way that he could get your number?"

He looks at Sirius and bends over to write something on a napkin before sliding it across the table to Sirius. "Do you make a habit of asking for people's numbers for your friends?"

"For this one I do," I say clapping a hand on Sirius' shoulder. He mouths 'call me later' to Sirius and walks away. I lift up the napkin with Remus' number and show it to the table. "And that is how you do it."

"What would I do without you?" Sirius asks me.

"Die alone," I answer grinning.

The Coffee Shop Problem- Wolfstar AUWhere stories live. Discover now