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The top picture is how I think aunt Jen looks like. But that's just me you can think she looks anyway you like.~Jess
I pick up a huge bag of rice and throw it forward tripping myself in the process. "Stop slacking of child there is more bags of rice over there near the pen." I glare over at the old hag who was biting her dirty nails and spitting them on the dirt ground sitting on a hay stack. "What are you looking at child, did you not hear me. Chop chop!" I get up grabbing the sack. "Honestly I don't even know why I hired you, when I was your age I-" I interrupted her,"I don't care Aunt Jen." She got up from the hay stack "Well you should I, raised you after your mother died and given you food on your plate and a roof over your head the least you can do is listen to me when I am talking to you!" I got up and dropped the bag to turn to her.
"Yes Aunt Jen but I don't thank you one bit for that, you always use that against me. Sure you gave me food and a home but in exchange for that I had to give up my childhood and help you clean up drunk bastards in your home and I had to save myself from almost getting raped by one of them and when I told you what happened, what did you tell me?!"
Aunt Jen stood up also,"I told you that why didn't you take that opportunity! With looks like yours you probably wouldn't get another chance, I mean look how plain you are!" I glared at her,"One day you will regret what you said and when you do I won't be there for you to apologize to me." Aunt Jen turned to look at me,"Let's stop this nonsense, I'm hungry let's go eat shall we?" At Aunt Jen's house we ate a tiny leg chicken and right next to it were rotten peas. I pushed the peas away, "Oh Luna how many times do I have to tell you! She grabbed a handful of rotten peas and grabbed my hair and shoved them down my throat,"EAT YOUR PEAS!" I got up and spit them all in her face," That's it go to your room and don't you think of coming down and getting food or going outside for a week!" I went upstairs and slammed the door. Then I went and got a bag and I sewn straps on so I could carry it on my back. I put all my clothes and all my valuable things,which wasn't that much, into the bag. I tried sneaking down stairs and outside through the front door when I heard Aunt Jen giggling and moaning. That means the play toy she was with right now and her won't stop sucking each other's faces till after dusk. I am not going to wait that long. I went back up my room and looked out the window. If I jumped I would certainly break a leg. I looked around my room to see a rope that I was supposed to use to pull a very heavy wagon but decided not to and let Aunt Jen do it herself. I tied the rope to the door nob and pulled on it. It could hold my weight if I'm quick enough going down. Going down I tried not to make that much noise when my foot almost touched the ground the door nob broke making me fall and hit a pail making the pigs shocked and they started squealing waking up the horses making them neigh and stomp. Great. I heard some mumbling in the house an some movement and I grabbed the nearest horse and got on top of it. "What do you think your doing!" I heard from behind me. And as if everything looked like they where moving in slow motion the man that Aunt Jen was going to sleep with pulled out a gun and pointed at me I turned to look forward and kicked the sides of the horse. Just when the horse started running I heard a blast and I prayed that nothing happened to the horse or me. A few seconds later I opened my eyes and everything was in normal motion. I looked and the horse and I were already headed to the forest in front of Aunt Jen's house. I looked back to see Aunt Jen raising a fist to the air and the man behind her. I looked up at the sky which looked orange and purple showing stars and the full moon. I smiled raised my arms to the sky and yelled. I was finally free. The horse neighed and it looked like it was happy to be free as well. We were finally free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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