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I don't want to go home. I know what will happen if I don't, but that doesn't make my steps any easier. I open my locker to unload a binder and a couple of textbooks I won't be needing this weekend. It clinks shut and I hoist my backpack over my shoulder and take a deep breath. I remind myself that I will not be home much this weekend. I just have to get through tonight and I will be at a rock-show for 2 days.

On my walk home, I am blaring music in my ears. Music is the only thing that really keeps me sane through this I think. The only thing that keeps me connected to mom. I need to start singing again. Not that it's easy in a house where you aren't allowed to be seen or heard without serious repercussions.

~Later that evening~

I can hear him screaming again. Tonight it is extra loud and I figure I'd better not try to drown him out with headphones. If my father yells for me and I don't come to see what he wants, the consequences wouldn't be good.

It's been even worse lately somehow. His rages have been resulting in things getting broken more and more often. When that happens it's almost certain that I'm going to be called down. When I get called down, I usually get hit. Sometimes with his hand, sometimes with an object being thrown at me, or he just hits me with them. I've gotten pretty good at dodging the flying objects, but we live in a pretty small house. It's more likely he will be close enough to hit me. Let's just try to avoid all of that. Sometimes if I come down fast enough he will just yell.

So I'll just lay here and stare at the crack in my ceiling. I feel a bunch of blankets under me on my unmade bed and I wiggle to reposition myself so I can be more comfortable. The pillow that I took from Dad's room after mom died under my cheek. Daydreaming of a better life, I fall asleep.

Gravity Girl  |  A BadBoy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now