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We were lucky enough to have the next day off from work. I woke in an unfamiliar bed and a weight on my waist. I turned over to see the peaceful face of a sleeping Derek Morgan. Hearing the phone ring I picked it up not looking at the id.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly

"Morgan?" the other asked. I took the phone away from my ear to realize I picked up Derek's phone thinking it was mine and it had to be Spencer on the phone.

"Heyyy, Spencer" I said

"Is that you Bella? why are you on Derek's phone? What happened?" he questioned

"Uh everything's fine, my car broke down yesterday and Morgan said he'd bring me to work" I said quickly, while pushing Derek next to me to wake him up.

"Oh ok, your running late by the way" he said

"Just traffic is bad Spencer" I told him

"Ok see you so-" he started but I cut him off by hanging up.

Turning to Derek, to see he was still asleep, I nudged him again

"Derek, Derek, MORGAN!" I shouted to which he got up with a jolt

"God, you know how to wake someone up don't you" he said rubbing a hand down his face

"Yeah, well we're late, and I answered your phone thinking it was mine and Spencer was there and now he's gonna tell JJ who's gonna tell Emily who tells Garcia, who tells Rossi, who in turn tells Hotch and then I get fired....... What?" I said once I saw him laughing

"Your cute when you ramble" He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Seriously" I said plainly

"Yep" he said "We have to get ready" he added pecking my lips before walking over to his dresser.

Arriving at the office the first person I saw was Penelope

"How was your night" she said giving me a smirk

"Reid told you, didn't he?" I asked with a sigh

"Yep" she said and skipped away to the conference room. I walked over to the break room to get coffee, when I saw JJ and Emily, things are still rocky with us but civil I must be, so the others don't suspect anything.

"So, you and Morgan huh" JJ said with a smile

"God, does everyone know" I said

"Everyone but Hotch, he's in a meeting" JJ told me

"God's sake Reid" I muttered which made both girls laugh, our conversation was cut short by Spencer opening the door

"We have a case" He said, when we walked out the room, I took the chance to hit him upside the head

"Ow, what was that for?" he asked rubbing his head

"You know what, big mouth" I told him laughing

"Right my crime fighters, 4 girls have been strangled to death and sexually assaulted right here in Quantico" Penelope informed us

"Says here the victims weren't reported missing till a day before they were found" I said

"He has a type at least, brown hair, blue eyes, he also dumps them in the same place" Spencer said. Derek turned to give me a look since the victims had my facial features. I gave him a half-smile back.

"It's got to have a significance to him" Emily said

" Let's get a geographic profile going we'll work from here, Rossi and Morgan come with me to the dumpsite, the rest of you talk to the victim's parents," Hotch said and got up to leave.

Before Derek left, he walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders

"Don't leave the building unless someone's with you ok?" He said

"Derek-" I started

"No, these girls look too much like you for me to let you go" he cut me off I sighed derailing my arms around him.

"You got it" I said smiling up at him, he gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. I let out a shaky breath before following suit.

"Jenna Pierces mother is in the interrogation room for you" JJ told me

"Thanks J" I said walking over, once I entered the room and put the file down, I looked up.

Mrs. Daniels? I realized, seeing the woman in front of me as my old neighbor.

Oh Bella she exclaimed getting up to bring me into an embrace, Your Jennas mother? I asked, since the last time I saw her she didnt have any children.

I remarried after you went off to college, I adopted Jenna a year later when she turned 17 she said with a sniffle.

Okay, did Jenna ever talk to you about meeting a new guy? I asked to which she shook her head and said No, she kept to herself, same group of friends never anyone new, after her father passed away, she hasnt spoken to any boy

When did that happen?

About 3 years ago She answered, I reached over and squeezed her hand.

Thats all for now I got up to leave only to stop when she said, Will you find the person who did this to her?

Were trying everything to find him, and when we do, youll be the first to know I promise I assured the woman in front of me. Your mom would be proud she said which brought a smile to my face. Thank you I said and walked out the room.

You were there awhile Spencer told me as he saw me walk out

She used to be my neighbor before I went to college I said

The victim knew you? Emily asked

Not the victim, the adoptive mother I said Why? I added

Another victims parents said you were friends with the victim Emily answered

What was her name? I asked

Jessica Brown JJ said

Yeah, not friends, she was the high school mean girl, really didnt like me I corrected

Why would the parents say different? Hotch asked walking towards us

Typical small-town snobs, in their own eyes Jessica couldnt do wrong I said

What about the third victim? I asked

Last name Johnson first name Mia Spencer read out

Oh god I let out

What? Rossi Asked

I used to babysit her; her dad was a chief at the station my mom worked at

Go home Bella Hotch suddenly said

Wha- I started

This guy is after you, go home then get back here straight, dont pull over anywhere got it? Hotch asked

Yes Sir I said turning to leave

Bella! Penelope shouted


Be safe okay? she said giving me a hug

I will, Wheres Der? I asked

Went to the Johnsons house

Ok, tell him if Im not back before him I said as I got in the elevator 0.

Once I got to the parking lot and to my car. I could feel something watching me, I turned around to look only to be met with a sea of other cars, I opened my door and sat at the drivers seat, I turned my key to start the engine only when I got back up I felt something over my mouth, only then to be met with darkness.


Would you look at that I updated for once. Now that I've finished school for the next three months I'm hoping to get so much of this book done as I'm also rewatching the show. I have got the next 3 chapters written down I'm just having to type and hopefully they should all be up by Monday. Hope you are enjoying this story so far, please if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments. xx

Bella De Loy-Or is it~|~Derek Morgan Where stories live. Discover now