The Sports Festival Part 1

Start from the beginning

~Oh yeah, he has All Might's power, I forgot~

Todoroki: I'm not trying to pry about that. But know that I will beat you.

~Why is everyone so pent up about this, A real hero wouldn't care what position they're on. Doing the right thing is should be the only thing that matters~

Kirishima: Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking fights all of a sudden? We haven't even started!

Todoroki: We're not here to make friends. So what does that matter?

He then looked at me as if he was gonna challenge me as well, but just looked away. He either remembered I wasn't gonna compete or doubted he could beat me. Maybe both.

Midoriya: I know you're better than me and more capable than most.

Kirishima: Midoriya. You shouldn't talk so negatively...

Midoriya the went on talking about how everyone's gonna give it their all, and how he's gonna do the same to make it one top. Still don't know why the top is so important, though I don't care enough to ask. So I won't bother.

[Time skip]

The festival was starting, everyone was cheering, I was alone in class 1-A's audience booth. Karla was next door, so I decided to leave the booth to watch the game with her since I had nothing better to do. 

'<{Hey, Karla!}>'

Karla: <{Oh, hey}>

'<{Yeah, I'm still sorry about sleeping in}>'

Karla: <{It's fine, class 1-B just thought I was doing something important, so just went with that instead of telling them that my dumbass cousin slept in}>

'<{I said I was sorry}>'

Karla: <{I know}>

Present Mic: Hey! Pay attention audience! Mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the UA sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?!

Karla: <{Why does he have to be so damn loud}>

Present Mic: It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!

The students began walking into the field or arena or stage, whatever you call it. They seemed very confident but as soon as they saw how many people there were, they got a little nervous.

Present Mic: The UA sports festival! The huge battle, where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, These are the guys, right. The miraculous new stars who have overcome enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course of class 1-A!

Karla: <{Look'em down there, they seem so nervous}> 

Present Mic: They haven't gotten as much air time, but this class is full of talent! Hero course class 1-B!

'<{Hmm, I never actually got to see your class}>'

Present Mic: Next up, general studies, Classes C, D, and E!

Karla: <{They do not want to be there what so ever do they}>

Present Mic: Support course, Classes F, G, and H! And the business course, Classes I, J, and K!

~They have a business course?~

Present Mic: And we have 2 special guests who unfortunately can't join in the festival due to district regulations, but will be cheering their classmates on. Despite public opinion, we welcome with open arms these 2 Klyntar cadets who came from over sea's to view our school.

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