Beshte's Story

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KIjani's Pov:

After we executed the plan , we finally get to talk with Mtoto

Kijani: "Commander Mtoto , is it true you were trained under Beshte?" I ask just to be sure if I got the right guy

Mtoto: "Yes , why?"

Kijani: "We all wanted to know , where is Beshte?" I ask the question since we getting to the main point

Mtoto: "*Sighs* since your here locking me in here with the sound proof , I have no choice but to tell you" Mtoto admits to tell about Beshte

Bakari: "Thank god I brought snacks for the story" Said Bakari while takes out his chips from his bag

Mtoto: "Beshte was the most kindest hippo I've ever known , It was 21 years ago I was 12 back then"


Year 2012

Mtoto's Pov:

Oh no the real Lion Guard has arrived

Kion: "Hyenas we know your in there!" Kion shouts at the grass where my friends the young ostrich and young baboon hiding.

After Kion said his threatening words , they showed themselves and apologised them

Young Ostrich: "Don't hurt us!"

Young Baboon: "We're not really hyenas" Said the young baboon with fear

Fuli: "Uh yeah , we can see that" Fuli smirks

Kion "*sighs* why were you guys trying to scare everybody?" Kion asked the kids

Young Ostrich: " We weren't , we were just playing Lion Guard" Said the explaining ostrich

Beshte" *Chuckles* Playing Lion Guard?" Beshte ask

Young Ostrich: " It's was our turn to be the bad guys"

Young Baboon: "It was all Mtoto's idea" He pointed at me and I hide inside the tall grass

Kion: "Are you Mtoto?" KIon talked to me for the first time and I stepped out of the tall grass and gived him a nod , Ono flew up and told everyone it was a false alarm

Kion: " So you guys were pretending to be the Lion Guard?" Kion ask us

Young Ostrich: " Oh yeah we each take turns to be different member" Said the young ostrich

Young Baboon: "Except Mtoto , he's always Beshte" Well are you proud you mentioned me right in front of my idol

Beshte: " Really? , Poa" Said beshte at that time he was very impressed that he had he's own biggest fan

Bunga: " Who get's to pretend to be me?" Bunga asking excitedly

Young Baboon: " You know , whoever's last"

Bunga: "Wait what?!" Bunga was shocked haha

I got to hang out with Beshte trained with the lion guard , the best part I made Fuli wet like she said she hates it haha. But when we starting to grew up I got to know Beshte more than his fan it's more like a friend until that day

Bakari: "What happened on that day?" Bakari ask

Alika: "Bakari"

Mtoto: "I'm getting there" Said Mtoto


It was 13 years ago I was 20 years old after Matembo the old leader of the elephants , god rest her soul , A man showed up wanting to steal the role of King of the Tree Of Life he's name was Ubaya , he was with another man named , Hekimi. Both them worked together and resurrected Scar. Just 3 months before the war.

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