Relationship with the brothers so far

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Kuzuha's POV
I quickly learned the seven boys names and their sins and personalities. Lucifer, the first born, was strict, orderly, and like the parent of the brothers. He was the Avatar of Pride. And he very much represented it well. Then there was the stupidest of the boys. The second born, Mammon. He was the Avatar of Greed. And dang he was greedy and a scum. First thing he said to me was to pay him a fee of being in his presence. I told him I could pay if I sold all his blood to scum junkie vampires. He quickly left after that. The third born is an otuku. He thought that I was a normie too. But once I summarized the concept of several vampire based animes he stopped and we sometimes watch anime and stuff together with Mc. He's the Avatar of Envy. He has his moments of course. The fourth born is the most known in any religion. Satan. The Avatar of Wrath. He's cynical, and his anger switch is like a light switch. But he's a big book worm too. When I told him there were many books actually written by vampires he asked me for a list. I have him a list of vampire authors. He was surprised to see that some are famous for their books. Then there's the fifth born. The Avatar of lust. Asmodeus. He definitely lives up to his title. He's always asking me to bite him or about vampire sex kinks. I ignore him. Unless he's asking about fashion and makeup. That's the only time I talk to him really. The sixth born. Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony. He is always eating. Literally. But he does help me find food in the devildom made for vampires. They come here every now and then. The seventh born, Belphegor of sloth. He and I love spending the entire night up and he sleeps during the day while I can go a whole month without sleeping. I haven't met the angels or the Sorcerer yet. But I will soon. Until then... Let's have some fun and start a prank war. Hahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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