Quidditch and Duels

Start from the beginning

Before Harry had time to reply, a heavy black Bludger pelted toward him. Draco laughed a little as he watched Harry duck, narrowly avoiding its impact.

Draco watched as one of the twins flew up to Potter and say something. He figured if he was going to find the snitch at all he was going to have to stay close to Harry just in case he did somehow spot it first. Draco squinted in the direction of the lanky red-haired boy just as he swung his beater bat and hit the bludger that had just flown at Harry.

His eyes opened wide as the Bludger seemed to get closer and just as he shut his eyes he heard a yell of confusion coming from the twin. The Bludger had spun around and focused on Harry once more.

Draco watched as Harry flew around the pitch trying to escape the bludger. This was feeling a bit weird, a bludger never focuses that much on a player. Draco felt his eyes drifting the pitch and he swore he saw a glimpse of a dirty pillowcase hidden under one of the stands.

Before he could question it, the rain started to fall and Draco's attention diverted back to the main objective. The snitch.

Lee Jordan's voice rang over the pitch announcing the score. "Slytherin lead, sixty points to zero "

The new brooms were definitely doing justice. Draco glanced at his father who was smirking up in the booth. Was he proud? Impressed? Not Impressed? His mind seemed to not focus on one thing and kept shifting between his father, harry, and that ruddy dirty pillowcase.

Madam Hooch's whistle rang out and Draco flew over to the other Slytherin's who were already huddled at the bottom cheering.

"We are going to bloody crush them, just catch the snitch Draco and we can end them!" Marcus snarled. For some odd reason, he felt highly motivated after that statement. Draco joined in the cheers, pumping his fists in the air and screaming with joy. They hadn't even won yet.

Madam Hooch's whistle rang out once more and everyone flew back up. The rain continued to fall heavily down on everyone. Draco's usually greased back hair was now a drenched mop and he found it very unsettling. He imagined his mother being very disappointed by its messiness. After all neat hair was mother's thing.

Draco spotted Harry doing some silly moves up in the air and flew over laughing.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?" He yelled as Harry did another stupid kind of twirl in midair to dodge the Bludger. Harry then looked him dead in the eye and gave the most devilish look of hatred he had ever gotten. Draco began to laugh because there was no way Harry hated him for saying he was training for a ballet.

Draco watched through his laughing fit the bludger speed towards Harry once more and the urge to scream lookout almost overtook him. Yet he knew the rest of the team would hear it, and explaining why he showed sympathy for Potter seemed more difficult than finding out who the heir of Slytherin was.

The Bludger had hit Harry and smashed into his elbow. Harry slid sideways on his rain-drenched broom, one knee still crooked over it, his right arm dangling useless at his side. Draco watched the Bludger come pelting back for a second attack, this time aiming at Harry's face.

Draco found himself unconsciously about to dive towards the bludger when Harry swerved out of the way and glared in his direction once more. A faint buzzing noise rang in his ear but he just assumed it was something to do with the rain.

Draco confused, let out one chuckle before Harry flew directly in his direction. Draco quickly widened his eyes and put his hands in front of his face to protect himself from Harry's attack.

But it never came.

"What the –" Draco gasped. Harry had flown past him and was now chasing one thing. The snitch was right by his ear and he didn't even notice.

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