Chapter 25

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All of that together.

3 moths later

I ran my hands threw my freshly curled hair.

I had recently died it red.

I felt I needed a change.

That night Dre left me was the last night I seen him.

3 whole months without my baby.

Being without him is the same pain I feel being away from my parents.

I stayed in my room for a whole month I refused to eat, I refused to sleep, to bathe everything.

I just wanted Dre to come through my door. Hug me, touch me, make love to me.

My grandmother came to me one night and spoke to me with so much wisdom.

She told me that the devil is working hard and I'm helping him she said I needed to get my behind out of bed, I needed to shower, I needed to go to school, I needed to get my shit together.

I took in everything my grandmother said that night and that morning I got up cleaned ,ate , did my hair the whole nine.

I've been doing good these last two months

I still worry about Dre though.

Every second of everyday I wonder if he's alive, I wonder if hes in jail, I wonder if hes ever going to come back to me, if he still loves me.

I try to district myself everyday and tonight is my senior prom and I just want to have fun, be carefree,and not worry about Dre.

At first I wasn't going to go but my grandma gave me no choice

She dragged me prom shopping and bout me the most beautiful dress I've ever seen and it fit me perfectly.

It was a tight black mermaid style dress ,It had rimestones all over,A heart shaped embedded front with one thick strap going across my back leaving the rest bare as it formed a u right above my butt. It also had a little tull at the bottom.

(Pic in mm. )

It was already seven o clock and me and Chyna planned to leave around ten.

We had just gotten back from getting our hair and nails did together and since she was going with Marcus and he had gotten them a limo she said she'll have him come pick me up so I wouldn't have to drive myself.

Chyna tried all week to convince me to atleast go with some boy so I wouldn't be alone.

But I declined I'd rather go by myself. When me and Dre were kids we always talked about prom and our weddings and our sucess and promised no matter what we'd be there for eachother. I guess some things change.

I shock my head I am not doing that tonight I'm going to have fun and I'm going to get drunk.

I walked over to my dresser grabbing my phone and my bonnet headed to the bathroom to do my hygiene .

I walked back to my room with a towel wrapped around me.

I lotioned my body and put on my undergarments before taking off my bonnet and touching up my curls.

I went to my closet slipping on my dress.

I added my mac lipstick and eyeliner and sprayed myself with perfume.

I looked in the mirror I had to admit I was looking good.

Before I could fill my head up to much Grandma April appeared in the doorway.

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