Chapter One: Someone New

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(This whole story will be written in third person)


7:00 A.M., Monday

Artemis woke up in a twin sized purple bed. The alarm clock went off, meaning that it was 7:00, time to go to school. She looked around her room, still drowsy from sleep. She looked to her right, at the empty bed next to her, and couldn't help feeling sad, guilt, and anger all at once. Artemis peeled her gaze away from the empty bed, and stared at the Alice in Wonderland wallpaper that hung on the wall.

"Artemis!" a slightly irritated voice barked at the door. Artemis jumped at the ferocity of her mother's voice, "Get up! You're going to be late!"

Artemis sighed, Great. School. This would be her third week at Gotham Academy. Artemis got up out of bed and yawned. She snatched her uniform from her closet. Soon, she found herself wearing white shirt, red tie, blue cardigan and a way to short for her liking skirt. She tied her hair in a long ponytail, kissed her mother goodbye and set off to school. 

7:15 A.M., Gotham Academy

It took about 15 minutes for Artemis to reach the doorways of Gotham Academy. She walked in the gates, and was immediately greeted by a cheerful voice.

"Artemis! Over here!" the voice belonged to Bette Kane, Artemis' school helper. 

Artemis jogged lightly over to her friend, "Hey, Bette."

Bette smiled at Artemis, "Artemis, I want you to meet someone! His name is Richard Grayson! He's super smart, and is really good with computers." 

Bette then stepped aside, revealing a boy about 13 years old, with his hair gelled back. He was about a head shorter than Artemis, and was quite skinny for his age. He had crystal blue eyes and a wide smile.

"Hey there, Artemis," Richard smiled, interrupting Artemis' observation of his appearance.

"Uh, hi Richard," Artemis mumbled.

"Please, call me Dick."

"Um, okay."

They stood there in awkward silence. When Dick opened his mouth to say something, the school bell rung, interrupting him.

"Well, uh, Dick, Bette and I better be going to class now," Artemis told him hurriedly. Without waiting for an answer from him, she took Bette's wrist and dragged her with Artemis towards the classroom. Thank goodness for the bell, Artemis thought.  

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