01 | someone new

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"What's the color of the sky, Johnny?"

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"What's the color of the sky, Johnny?"

"It's blue," he deadpans and you lean to the side from your chair, away from your canvas, to look at Johnny with a raised eyebrow.

"Wow, genius. Would have never guessed in a million years," you glare and Johnny falls back onto the grass with his arms stretched wide apart from his head.

"Can't you just keep quiet and paint, Y/N? I mean, no matter how much I describe the color, you will still not be able to visualise it because you've never seen it. It's not stored in your head," Johnny states. He's not rude. He's just being himself when he loses his patience and you understand.

After all, not everyone would agree to be your model, sprawling across grass under a huge tree on a bright summer evening instead of sitting at home and gaming. Unless it's Johnny Suh. Johnny Suh always agrees when it comes to you.

"I'm sorry, Suh. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a soulmate sign of losing stuff and finding your soulmate's chapsticks on their table," you bite your tongue and roll your eyes. You stand up, walking away from the stand that supported your work. You sit next to Johnny and he leans towards the side.

"It's not all that fun," he mumbles underneath his breath. You raise an eyebrow and wait for him to elaborate. "I lost a condom yesterday."

You know you shouldn't have laughed. Hell, that would have been horribly mean, but you really couldn't help yourself when you fall back, clutching your stomach, bringing your knees closer to your chest and laughing your heart out as you move closer to Johnny.

"Y/N," he whines, hitting your elbow. There's a flicker of smile and you wonder how Johnny would look in colors. "It's not funny."

"You know it is," you managed to let the words out as you catch your breath. "That's a horrible first impression."

"Thanks for reminding me."

You lie back and look at the monochromatic sky. It's a sheet of varying grays, scattered patches of different intensities of gray and that's how life has been for years now.

Familiarity is what you associate monochrome with. It is everything around you, everything you've seen. A spewing stream of variation in black to gray to white.

"Isn't it boring?" they asked and you wonder if it is. If seeing the same colors you've seen from your birth was boring, were you any different from others?

"You dyed your hair again, didn't you?" You ask. Your gaze is still fixated on the white clouds above but Johnny understands the question is for him.

"I did. It's a darker shade of gray in your eyes, isn't it?"

"Yeah," you tug at the grass by your side. "What color did you dye it to?"

"Dark Indigo," he turns to look at you. "It's the color of dark denim. You should pair it with fuschia once when you start seeing colors. They go beautifully well together, Y/N. It's electric when you pair those two. It looks expensive when you pair it with gold, hence why a lot of wine bottles have them for labelling."

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