You Own This Place?

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"I'm serious Tiff. You need to be careful around him. I've heard some nasty stories." It had been at least two weeks since Tiffany had her little sleep over at Roman's house. "Kat. Drop it. I've told you over and over again. I literally have never heard of him until I met the guy. He didn't seem that dangerous to me!" Tiffany zipped up her shoes and stood up to look at herself in the mirror.

Girls night out was always one of her favorite nights. Plus ever since the whole Roman incident, things in the house have been tense. They both needed to loosen up.

Kat has always been the uptight one. She's been that way since they met in high school. She was the one who needed a plan, a schedule. Tiffany loosened her up.

That's why they made such a good team. They balanced each other out. Tiffany walked out into the living room to see Kat standing by the door, bag in hand. "I'm just saying Tiff. The things I've heard around town about Roman Sionis aren't things to just ignore. You know people are saying he's..." She looked around the room, just to double check and make sure it was really only them. "Black Mask." Tiffany rolled her eyes. "There's no way. You didn't have a conversation with him. Roman is a charmer for sure. You really think black mask would be that charming?"

Kat turned and reached for the door, "Look. I'm not telling you how to live your life, I'm just saying to watch your back is all. There are some real psycho's in Gotham."


The loud music echoed through the air. The girls were a few drinks in and Kat was finally starting to let loose, maybe a little too much. "C'mon Tiff!! Let's go dance! You always say I need to let loose!" Tiffany raised her glass and let out a chuckle, "You know I don't dance! You go out and have fun though. You deserve it." Kat shrugged and made her way to the dance floor. It didn't take her long to find some guy to grind on.

Tiffany laughed and shook her head. She actually did enjoy to dance. But, when she was out with Kat, she liked her to get all the attention possible. She also knew she'd have to hang back and sober up to be the DD.

Tiffany jumped slightly as her concentration got broken by a voice. "Here's another martini for you ma'am." Tiffany looked up at the young waitress and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't order another drink." The cocktail waitress smiled and pointed behind her shoulder to the bar, "Actually the owner had me bring it over for you. His treat." She winked and off she went. Tiffany looked at the drink and then her eyes started to roam around the club.

"The owner?" She said to herself. "Who the hell even owns this place?" Next thing she knew she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and a body sitting down next to her in then booth. She felt a warm breath against her ear, "Your friend looks awfully lonely out there." Tiffany felt chills cover her entire body. She smiled and bit down on her lip slightly. "Roman."

Tiffany examined the man from head to toe. His fashion was honestly better than hers. He was wearing a white suit with shiny silver boot. He had black gloves with what looked like his initials on them. "You know it's rude to ignore a drink from someone right?" Tiffany giggled and looked at the man sitting next to her. "She said it's from the owner of this club. I have no idea who even owns this place." Roman leaned back in the seat and smirked.

"So if you knew who the owner was you'd accept it?" She shrugged, "I suppose so. But what if it's been drugged." Roman laughed and started unbuttoning his gloves, "I promise you there's no drugs that come into my club without my knowledge doll. I can guarantee that all you have there is a regular martini." Tiffany's jaw dropped down slightly as she watched the man, "Wait- You own this place?"

Roman smiled at her and held out his hand. "Come dance with me doll. Can't let your friend have all the fun, can we?"

Tiffany stared at his hands for a few moments. She picked up the full drink and gulped it down. Roman laughed at her actions and helped her up as she placed her hand in his. He guided her onto the dance floor.

As soon as she stepped foot on the floor she could feel the heat from all the sweaty bodies. She looked at Roman, "I'm really not drunk enough for this." Roman placed is hands on either sides of her hips and gently pulled her close.

He brought his lips down to her ear. She could feel his lips grazing the side of her ear as he spoke, "Just feel the music. Move your body in anyway you want. These people are so drunk they won't even notice you." Tiffany nodded and tried her best to take his advice. She started moving her hips to the rhythm of the music.

Roman pulled her closer and moved his body in the same motion as her. It wasn't long before the gap between them was closed. Her arms wrapped around his neck, his arms rested on her hips.

"Roman, can I ask you something?" Roman tilted his head slightly and nodded. Tiffany looked up at him, "When you took me home the other night, how come you just let me sleep on the couch? You- You didn't try to do anything with me." Roman chuckled and took her hand in his. He brought her arm over her body and spun her around then pulled her back in close to his body.

"What kind of man do you think I am?" He spun her back out and put his hand on her lower back and dipped her low to the ground. The two were face to face and he looked her in the eyes, "Plus, like I told ya before. You wouldn't want to forget a night with me." He smirked at her and gave her a wink before pulling her back up.

Tiffany looked at him with amazement on her face. She really couldn't believe that this man was real. 

She knew Kat was wrong.

Roman and Tiffany stood there for what felt like hours just staring at each other. Tiffany was about to open her mouth to say something when she got cut off by a hand grabbing her arm and spinning her around. Kat was standing in front of her and was very obviously upset about god knows what. "We're fucking leaving." Kat grabbed Tiffany's hand and started to try and drag her from the floor. "Whoa Kat, wait! What the hell happened?"

Kat stopped and pointed at a random dude within the crowd. "That fucking asshole won't leave me alone. His hands have been over me all night and he's being a fucking creep." At this point Roman stepped forward. He lifted his hand and whistled, "Victor." A shorter man with blonde hair and what looked like scars all over his body walked towards Roman. "Boss."

Roman pulled the man close and whisper in his ear. The man nodded and quickly turned and walked towards what looked like the bouncers. He pointed at the man in the crowd and the two larger men pushed their way through the people and escorted the man out.

Kat and Tiffany stood back and just watched the whole scene play out. Once the bouncers took off with the man, Roman stepped forward and held out his hand towards Kat. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Roman."

Kat stared at the man in front of her. She slowly turned her head to face Tiffany. "Roman... Sionis?" Tiffany looked at Kat and nodded slowly. Kat looked back at Roman and slowly took his hand. "I'm Kat." She didn't have any expression on her face so Tiffany couldn't read what was going through her friends mind.

Roman had a smile on his face as she shook his hand, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Kat shook her head, "No. But I've heard plenty of you." Tiffany cleared her throat, "I'm going to get another drink. Would either of you like to join?"

Roman looked at her, "Of course, have whatever you want doll. It's on the house." Kat scoffed, "I don't think you can just assume that the owner is going to give us free drinks." Tiffany laughed and pointed at Roman, "I think he can when he's the owner." Kat raised her eyebrows and turned towards the bar, "Never mind. Thanks Roman." Tiffany laughed and shook her head as she looked back at Roman, "Thank you. For helping Kat out with that guy... and for the drinks."

Roman placed his hand on her lower back and whispered in her ear, "Anytime doll."

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