Chapter 7:Natalie

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Me having written the first few chapters as a joke- realizing I've now attracted an active  and growing following for this book- and that I actually want to finish it now-

Chuckling in Simp for Gabriel-



"Yes- we've established this."

"Er- Sorry.. I just- Wow- Thinking about it now... It's really obvious.."


"You never leave your home... It your brand's logo- Hell- it's on Adrien's shoes in a lot of his photos."

He looked at you for a moment- realizing you were right. He chuckled quietly, before jumping over the large wall surrounding his house, and you followed suit.

((Hhhhhh- Natalie's gonna be a jealous little bitch- just Bc I don't like her-))

"Dark wings, fall." Hawkmoth- er- Gabriel detransformed, causing you to lose your costume aswell.

You looked at the large house in awe, following Gabriel to the door.

Before he could even get up the stairs a woman opened the door. "Mr. Agreste! Your back-" Her eyes landed on you. If looks could kill- you'd already be 6 feet under. "Who's she?"

"She, is the first one to ever successfully bring me a miraculous." Gabriel spoke coldly, walking past Natalie.

((Why tf is her name spelled without the 'h' I'm too much of a goddamn perfectionist to just let autocorrect do it's thing so I gotta have a whole fight with autocorrect just to get rid of the h-))

You were walking past Natalie, when you felt something briefly sweep under you- and next thing you know- your face hit the floor.

Gabriel's foot turned, causing his shoe to squeak against the polished floors. It seemed like he was almost instantly next to you, holding his hand out towards you in order to help you up.

You got up on your knees, before taking his hand and allowing him to help you up. He looked at Nathalie for a moment. She looked at him for a moment. They didn't say anything but you could feel the death glares. It was like they were communicating. You decided to cut through the tension by speaking.

"Well-" you cleared your throat. "You have a lovely home."

Gabriel looked at you with slight amusement. "I designed it myself, down to every brick and slab on wood holding this place together."

Natalie gripped her tablet tighter in her fingers.

Gabrielle never willingly talked to anyone before, but suddenly you arrive and he can't seem to keep his mouth shut-?!?

This wasn't going to stand with her. Not while she had any say in it.

Sorry it's so short but there was only a certain amount of info I wanted to pack in here, to save some stuff for the next chapter.

Remember to vote for the chapter, tell me what you thought in the comments, and follow me if you don't already!

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