A blast from the past/ sting pov

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~ inside of stings head while sleeping ~ the past
n-no I can't lose you mother of sting : GO NOW RUN FAR FAR AWAY IT IS FOR THE BEST Mrs. eucliffe says young sting : B- mom : no buts go find a guild and join we shall meet again my dearest son I'm sorry mom says with tears in her eyes young sting : a-aye m-o-m- sniffs I will miss you mommy  * hugs her for the last time *  goodbye my darling we indeed shall meet again MOMMY young sting yells then it became darkness ~ wakes up sweating and breathing heavy~
~ with Lucy POV ~
So mom what do you plan on doing here on earth I was planning on hanging out with your father and you if it's ok with you mom said oh sure hey can sis and them join pls I say of course my dear mama says yay! Thank you mom I say no problem my star. ~ time skip to them hanging out~ So what do you want to do ac says all girls say shopping! The boys look at each other yes my mom is there Ac says No No No pls anything but that Yea his twins and me say mom then says but why she whined cause it's I whisper the last part embarrassing aww is someone embarrassed to shop ( A/N Satan is with them ) psh what are you talking about mother I said  I'm talking about shopping  my dear star mom says oh hehe * sighs * mom I . Don't . Want . To . SHOP . Ok I say through telepathy then mom says in her mind for telepathy pleeaaase it'll be fun she 'says' through telepathy trying to sound convincing then I say through telepathy No but then she just had to do it we're in a room btw in a store the rest is waiting out side) she gave me her PUPPY eyes I couldn't resist it I looked away then said
f-fine yay! My mom says  then hugs me mom not a hugger remember I said oh sorry she says while scratching the back of her neck sheepishly  I then sighed and said let's just go shopping ok
~ time skip to when they get to the mall and yes the boys are there ~ let's just get this over with ac said then I whispered to ac hun do you and your bro's like the arcade he whispered back yea I whispered to him cool let's go find it I have some money * pulls out 90 dollars from my pocket* he whispered back does your dad want to come oh and by whispered I mean telepathy let me ask I said through telepathy I then telepathically contact dad ~ telepathy chat~
Hey dad yea sweetie dad said wanna come with me and the boys to the arcade you do have money right I said yea I'll come! Anything to get away from shopping and yes I have about 58 in $5s he said Great! But we have to make an excuse to go to the arcade I said a oh I know! I said what I'll tell you after this chat I said to dad ok honey. Father said
~ telepathy chat ended~ hey mom I said yes honey mom said then I said me and the boys and dad are going to the food court I lied but you girls go ahead and shop in fact * summons $ 10000000 bucks* go all out I said as I give mom the money ok but mom said the twins can we go with lucilia please my sisters said sure! Mom said yes! I said in thought come on guys we head our separate ways oh before we go meet at the entrance in 18 hours ok I said then mom said ok let's go guys I said as we start walking to the arcade ~ with Lucilia and the boys and father and sisters~
Lucy's POV
So we're are we going Lucian says I turn and look at her as I stop walking for a moment with the boys and father you guys love the arcade right just like us Lucifer and Lucian look at each other before answering my question then looked back at me and said yes I smiled and said that's we're going oh and by boys I mean laxus Romeo the thunder legion boys and the boys that didn't ignore me and the girls that also didn't ignore me are with my mom shopping  there  asses off to also Wendy is with them as in Wendy me and my sisters cousin just appeared out of nowhere so strange it's like the mall was calling her to shop yet hard to believe anyways as we kept walking to the arcade we run in to only see natsu dragneel apparently he was here with his bitchy of a nigga girlfriend Natsu fartneel I say with venom in my voice Hello weakling he said to me we're is your so called boyfriend he said with cocky ness in his words  I'm right here  my boyfriend/ mate said Nastu POV :
Hello weakling I said I said to weakfilia with cockiness were is your so called boyfriend/mate I'm right here someone said I look at him with shocked eyes a-ac apacolypse (A/N just so you know Lucy and her friends/boyfriends to her sisters made a guild called bloody Roar since they made her leave so her friends joined and the boys yes even Lucy and her sisters boyfriends/mate Lucy's mom is the master sorry for the late heads up ) I said while trembling
~ ac's POV ~
A-ac apacolypse the so called salamander said while trembling yes I said with venom why are you dating a w-weakling like her salamander said I snapped at him while saying BECAUSE I LOVE HER UNLIKE YOU MOTHER FRICKER I LOVE HER FOR BEING HER AND SOMETIMES BEING DEADLY TO OTHERS UNLIKE YOU JUST LOVE HER FOR POWER BUT I DONNOT I LOVE HER FOR BEING HER THAT IS WHY I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER FOR JUST BEING HER AND NOT USING HER LIKE YOU!!! I said yelling so she's just a weakling said bitchana yea said salamander she can't even hold her own against lisanna here said natsu oh but she can mr heartfilia dragonia said known as Satan ha! I'd like to see her try bakamander said Sorry I can't my mate says why you scared lis says no I can defeat you with a flick of a finger my mate says again hehe I'd like to see you try lisanna of the bitches said  very well then my mate said I then heard a flick that belonged to Lucy who had flicked bitchana who was sent flying all the way to the exit of the mall on the other side we all laughed but kept walking towards the big arcade
~ time skip to when they found the arcade ~
Finally I said as we walked in the arcade room it was huge! We went different ways in the arcade but I stuck with my mate we put the $5 bill in the machine and 50 quarters came out we went to the first game we saw hey dear my star said yes I said wanna play air hockey she said and I said sure she put 4 quarters in as in a whole dollar and we played Bam she hit the puck and scored
~ time skip 18 hours later ~
As we walk to the entrance of the mall talking about the arcade and we should visit the mall more often as we reached the entrance we saw mom and the girls hands full of shopping bags in there hands covering they're whole body hey mom my mate says

~ Lucilia's POV ~
As we go to the entrance of the mall we see mom and the girls bodies covered with shopping bags hey mom I said  yes honey mom says need help I said no worries I got it my love mother says o...k I said to her  hey mom I said a bit shy yes mom says noticing my shyness c-can we head back to the guild aww ok my mom says then as soon as we left a man came up to me and threw something on me and I was shrinked into a 3 year old and my clothes were to big and I was naked with only a pants and a yellow scaly scarf I used to wear along with a cape and bandages covering my you know and my hair back at the shoulders but still long and have a masked yes no one has ever seen my face before only my family and me and my sisters mate I then ran and said Momma help!!! She then came running over And looked at me with a what the hell happened to you look and I replied with a man came out of nowhere and mom said oh well this is gonna be a tough year oi what's that suppose to mean!!! I say getting irritated with her then mom says Oh nothing while holding in a laugh your so fricking cute!!! Mama yells while squealing Mom!! I say blushing of embarrassment yes mommy says it's embarrassing I say in embarrassment then mommy picked me up

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