Drink Up

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"So, Hyunjin." Jinsoul started, "I think you need some explaining to do."

The ravenette nonchalantly went on with her business, innocently chewing on a piece of toast. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I think you know exactly what I am talking about Hyun." The blonde stared down her friend, wanting answers from Hyunjin.

Jiwoo sat in between them, the tension ever growing between the two. The redhead's eyes bounced back and forth between her friends as she observed them. There was obviously something she was left in the dark about. What could possibly be so important to create such an intense interrogation? It was like an old-western style showdown when two cowboys face off in a climactic showdown.

Minutes of silence went on; the sound of a ticking clock seemed deafening. The crunchy bites of Hyunjin's chewing seemed obnoxious among the noiseless room.

The redhead fidgeted in her seat with anticipation, the thick air between her friends was unrelenting. She wished she had some popcorn to munch on; the tense atmosphere made it seem like she was in a scene from a movie. Jiwoo imagined that at this point, a distant eagle would screech high above the sky, and a tumbleweed would roll through the scene. The suspense was seriously starting to get under her skin, and she wasn't sure she could take much more of this as she edged her seat, but finally, the blonde broke first.

Jinsoul cleared her throat awkwardly as if her action released the built-up pressure among them. "You were neglecting your work this past Sunday,"

Hyunjin slowly nodded in confirmation, gaining a gasp in response from Jiwoo on the sidelines.

The blonde calmly continued, "I won't scold you harshly for that, it was a rather slow morning. But-" The redhead's grip on the chair tightened, anxiously waiting to hear the cause of the mini-drama between her friends.

"You skipped work because you were about to kiss a customer?" With Jinsoul's finishing statement, Jiwoo burst at the seams, squealing in excitement.

The eldest had enough of the redhead's antics, "Jiwooming, will be quiet? You're such a drama queen."

"How do you expect me to be quiet at a time like this?!" The redhead feigned offense, "Hyunjin, kissing a girl?!" Jiwoo squeezed her cheeks with balled up fists and squealed in glee. She could hardly remain seated from the excitement. It literally looked like she was about to start bouncing off the walls.

Jinsoul rolled her eyes at her energetic friend. God, her friends, are crackheads. The blonde's attention went back to the girl in question. "So Hyun, is this the girl Jiwoo and Jisun were talking about?"

At this point, Jiwoo jumped from her seat and pounced on their youngest friend. "Hyunjinnieeeeee." Jinsoul scoffed at her overdramatic friend's reaction. "Who made the first move? What led to this most amazing and cherishable moment? I didn't know you would move so fast! Did you finally get her name? Of course, you did, you were about to kiss her! AHHHH, HYUNJIN! YOU ALMOST KISSED? WHY DID YOU NOT KISS HER?!"

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