Heartbreaker Trinity

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"Uhm. P-please, will you go out with me?"

Heejin couldn't stop the curl that began to appear at the corner of her mouth. It was another confession to fill in her ego. This was probably the fifth one this month or maybe the sixth? She wasn't sure, she didn't really like to keep count, but low key she did. Heejin had fun playing around, flirting with girls, and only left guys wanting and wishing they were born with female body parts so that she could give them the time of day.

The brunette that bowed before her, held out her arms, presenting a hot pink letter sealed with a red heart sticker and pink colored lollipop. Heejin was pleased to see her favorite shade of pink and flavor candy, and it was an excellent way to start a confession with her. Practically, everyone interested in her knew her favorite color and treat.

She lets her smirk turn into a small smile while she tears open the cavity-inducing snack, popping it into her mouth. Her tongue guides the lollipop from side to side, stretching whichever cheek it resided in. The latter remained bowing, with eyes pressed shut, praying her crush would take the letter as she listened to the sugary hard candy clack against Heejin's teeth. Oh, how she wished that same tongue was playing with her's instead.

Heejin proceeds to grab the letter from the other and gently opens the envelope, meticulously peeling off the sticker from the opening, making sure it doesn't rip off any of the pink pigment from the paper. She knew this made girls anxious and nervous, teasing as she proceeds to read the carefully written confession in front of them. As much as Heejin loved to flirt, she loved to tease even more. She loves causing girls to have bright red cheeks, making them shift their feet from one to the other as they play with their own fingers until they brush aside a lock of hair behind their glowing ears. Heejin's routine never failed to bring out these flustered reactions. She irks her eyebrows while she reads, purposely rolling her tongue over the sugary snack gazing into the eyes of the confesser, but only for a moment to continue reading. Sometimes she would even remove the candy from her mouth to entice girls with an indirect kiss.

But like all of the previous confessions she has received, she feels nothing special for the brunette. It's not like she didn't find the other attractive. In fact, she was beautiful, but it just felt like everyone was only infatuated with her or only liked the idea of calling her their girlfriend. There was never really a connection.

Heejin curtly turns down the girl, not bothering to be gentle, so the now broken-hearted brunette could get a clean rejection and hopefully move on just as quickly. Sure Heejin liked to flirt around, but she wasn't the type to torment other people's hearts and play with their feelings. In all honesty, it's been a couple of years since her last real relationship, and maybe she forgot what that feeling was like, or perhaps she has never felt it at all. Possibly after your first love, love just doesn't appear the same anymore.

She caught up with her two friends waiting on the other side of the courtyard. It was common to wait on at least one of them because their admirers were constantly approaching them.

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