"You know, I think Rob's out tonight..." Katie says, looking at you purposefully.

"Great!" You smile at her, but you're withering inside. Rob's good-looking and friendly enough and you know he's had his eye on you for weeks, but he doesn't excite you, he doesn't fill you with the kind of desire you crave.

"What are you looking like that for?" Kim says, picking up on your less than enthusiastic expression. "Rob is gorgeous, and he's so nice!"

You sigh, flopping down on the bed next to your friend. "Don't you ever get bored of just nice?"

Katie has a glint in her eye but Kim looks bewildered. "I don't get it. How can you get bored of someone being nice?"

You stand up, grabbing your glass of wine from the side, taking a huge swallow, looking at your friends. "Don't you ever wonder what it'd be like to be with someone who's not so nice..."

Kim's looking at you like you're crazy. "So you want a guy who's gonna treat you like shit?"

"No... I didn't mean that," you say, trying to find the right words. "Maybe someone who just takes control, kinda dominates you."

Now Kim really looks bewildered. "You want someone to boss you around? Yeah right, I can just see you taking orders from a guy!"

Katie's been adding the finishing touches to her makeup but she turns around now. "I think she means in the bedroom, don't you Y/N?"

"Uh-huh," you nod, and Kim's eyes widen then, as she finally catches up.

"Oh right! Well do you mean just talking dirty and stuff or full on kinky shit like being handcuffed to the bed?"

Handcuffs? Now there's a thought...

You feel yourself flushing. "I don't know... I've not really thought about it in much detail..."

Katie laughs, draining the last of her wine. "You been reading too much Fifty Shades of Grey Y/N?"

"As if you're gonna find yourself a Mr Grey in this shitty town anyway!" Kim giggles. "Come on, I think the taxi's here."

When you arrive at the pub it's busy and you push through to the bar with your friends

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When you arrive at the pub it's busy and you push through to the bar with your friends. Kim spots Rob and his mates ordering drinks and starts waving excitedly. He flashes you a huge grin, his face all lit up, and you return the smile but you're groaning inwardly at the prospect of him trying to chat you up all evening.

"Y/N! Ain't seen you for ages! How are ya?" A voice interrupts your thoughts and you turn to see Larry at the bar next to you.

Larry is Van's friend and you've always liked him, he's got an easy-going, friendly nature and he's always got a smile on his face.

"Hey Larry, I'm really good actually. Whatcha been up to?"

"You know, band stuff," he says, digging in his pocket for cash to pay for the round of pints the bartender's racking up for him.

Playing Hard To Get (Van McCann)Where stories live. Discover now