1: As The Snow Falls

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  Bonnie sighed and threw herself onto the hotel bed. She'd been travelling for what felt like forever and had only just got to Bristol. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and rest, she couldn't. She needed to tell her long-time friend Alex Smith of her arrival.

  Bonnie laughed to herself. 'Long-time friend'. That's not entirely true. Yeah, they were friends but, really, they were more than that.  Ever since their mutual friend Trott introduced the two a few years ago, they'd shared many kisses and other, ahem, amorous exchanges. But it's only when Bonnie is in town. When she's away, they act as if they're nothing more than friends. Bonnie wished nothing more than for it to be something more than a 'friends with benefits' relationship. But how could she make that move if she didn't know if Alex felt the same?

  Bonnie removed herself from her thoughts, pulling out her phone to call a certain tall, blue-eyed ginger man.

"Hello? Bonnie?" a voice rang out from the other end of the phone call.

"Hey, Alex," Bonnie said tiredly.

"Hey are you in Bristol yet?" 

"Yep," Bonnie said, popping the 'p'.

"Awh sweet!" Alex cheered and, though she couldn't see it, Bonnie knew Alex was smiling. "I can't wait to see you!"

"I can't to see you either. Are Trott and Ross around?"

"Oh, am I suddenly not good enough for you?" Alex said, smirking all the while.

"You are perfectly fine," Bonnie giggled. "I just wanted to say hi."

"They'll be over soon. Do you want to come over?"

  The moment Alex said those words, Bonnie perked up, forgetting all about how tired she was. 

"Yeah," Bonnie said with a nod. "I'll be over soon. See ya."

"Okay, bye."

  Bonnie jumped up from the bed and skipped over to the armchair where she'd laid her coat and scarf. She put the garments on, walking over to the full length mirror on the wall. She began playing with her hair, trying to make it fall in just the way she wanted. It didn't really matter how she did her hair, as the wind would just mess it up the second she stepped outside, but she made an effort anyway.

  She stared at herself in the mirror, deep in thought. Tonight's the night, she thought. Tonight's the night she told Alex how she felt.

"Tonight is the night," Bonnie said strongly, giving herself a reassuring smile. She straightened out her striped scarf before heading out into the cold.

  Alex couldn't stop smiling. He just got off the phone with Bonnie and to his delight, she was coming over. He ran off to the bathroom, sliding a bit and almost falling as he was wearing socks. He stood in front of the mirror and ran his hand through his hair, but the effort was in vain. His hair only went into a slightly more organized state of what many fangirls describe as 'the hottest floofy mess of hair you've ever seen in your whole life'. And he was okay with that.

"Would she want food?" Alex wondered aloud, stepping into the kitchen. "I guess I could make something..."

  He opened the refrigerator to get something to cook but there was hardly anything in there. He began rooting through the cupboards only to find the same result. 

"F**k," he swore under his breath, remembering how long it'd been since either he or his housemate had gone grocery shopping. "Takeaway it is, then."

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled the familiar number of the local Chinese takeaway place. He ordered food and sat the couch. He took this time to think.

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