☆Chapter 3☆

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♡Hadrians POV♡
The shock settled in on their faces and father yelled out, "I TRIED TO KILL MY OWN SON"

Papa and Draco yelled out, "I BULLIED MY OWN SON/MATE."

I scrunched my face up and said, "Yes you did, now can you not yell please. My ears are sensitive."

"Oh right sorry," said Draco.

Father was being unusually quiet so I looked at him and he was crying silently so I went over to him hugged and said, "I love you father, I forgave you for trying to kill me a long time ago, it was because of the fake prophecy. Plus you didn't know it was me, and you were upset at the light side stealing your son."

I watched as the shock settled in on his face and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I love you too." And hugged me again.

I hear sniffles behing me and turned around to see papa and Draco crying and I asked, "What's wrong."

They both answered simultaneously, "Too cute."

Father and I answered in unison, "Not cute!"

Papa responded with, "OK I can agree with your father not being cute, but Hadrian you are very cute."

I glared at him while Draco says, "It's true Hadrian, you are very cute."

I started glaring at him and papa while saying, "Father, you better not agree with it." While turning to look at him.

He just stares at me while deadpanning, "You are very cute."

I glare at all of them. Griphook must've slipped out at one point because he wasn't there in his office anymore.

Papa says, "Let's go shopping, because those clothes do not fit you at all."

"I tend to agree with you," Father says.

Then we  all walk out of the bank together father has a glamor on of course. Me and Drace holding hands in front, while father has his arm around papa's shoulders with papa holding the hand thats around his shoulder in the back.

The I see red hair and frizzy hair, and I stop causing papa, father  and Draco to stop and look where I'm looking. We try to go around them, but they kept getting in front of us.

Ron looks at Draco and said, "Oh look a slimey snake and his whore of a boyfriend."

Draco tries charging after him, but I held him back, so instead he says, "Look at all the weasels and oh look here comes the hoe weaelette."

Ginny comes up next to Ron and says, "I am dating Harry Potter and am the future Lady Potter, so you will respect me."

Draco almost charged at her but kept his composure this time. I could tell papa and father getting angrier behind us. So I said, "Leave us alone weasels, and maybe you'll get off without getting a lot of scratches."

They both said with Hermione coming up beside them, "We will kill you for disrespecting us."

While Hermione looks at us and said, "Oh look the slimey snake gits."

That was the last straw. I held my hand out in front of me and the three went flying and I said, "Stop standing there come on, Gred and  Forge you know what to do!"

We went to Madame Malkins for Hogwarts robes as well as normal robes. I got a bunch of dark colored robes and night stuff. I also got a bunch of dresses and a few masks. Father got a few dark robes. Papa got dark robes and some night dresses. Draco got a few dark robes and some night pants and stuff. Draco and I also got some hogwarts robes.

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