☆Chapter 5☆

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Writing or authors note

♡Hadrians POV♡
I see Snuffles and Moon-Moon bloodied and helping each other.

They just look up and Remus says, "We were in our Death Eater attire in Knockturn when a couple of order members saw us and decided to mess with us and try to kill us but we made into the floo just in time."

Snuffles just says, "Yeah, we forgot to cast a disillusion charm before we went into Knockturns entrance."

Father just looks at them and says, "You both need medical help, and a bath, so go to the loo and wash up while we stay here and wait here, oh and please try to clean those wounds."

They looked at him and nodded.

☆Later on in the day☆

Father had called a healer to heal Snuffles and Moon-Moon and they were now resting in a spare bedroom.

The doctor had told them that Sirius had suffered sever fracture in his elbow and that Remus had suffered from a 3rd degree burn on one side of his body. They were both told that they had to be on bed rest for at least a week.

Just then I spoke up, "Well at least it's not a month." And that was true because it could be a lot worse than it is.

And then the doctor had explained the other less severe injuries like some hairline fractures and a broken nose as well as some cuts in random places.

☆Later later on☆

♡Third person POV♡

Tom and Severus were talking about how they were going to get back at the order for harming not only Remus and Sirius but for twisting and manipulating Hadrian, as well as putting him in an abusive household. Meanwhile Hadrian and Draco were by a fireplace cuddling and talking about random things.

"You know I wouldn't mind a child." Says Hadrian.

Draco then proceeds to stare at him with open mouth in shock and stuttering his I's with a deep red blush on his face.

Hadrian then realizes what he had said and turned a crimson shade and splutters out, "I-I'm not meaning right now I mean later on I would like a child, we don't have to if you don't want to! Sorry it was a stupid idea!" He then turns away covering his face expecting to get hit.

Draco is taken aback by this. He then replies with, "Hades, love, look at me," Hadrian looks at him, "We can do whatever you want and if that includes having kids then we can have kids whenever you want."

Hadrian looks close to tears as he just hugs Draco never wanting to let go, Draco hugs back also not wanting to let go.

But then just as they are about to go to sleep they hear an emergency siren going off and people screaming.

(And yes get ready for an author note prepare yourself)

Alright I started this chapter at 2:50 AM (yes I know that's late) and then finished at 4:39 AM so it's not the best since I was tired and need sleep- anywayz I thank everybody for waiting and being patient for me to update and for liking my story so far it's not much and my personal opinion is that it's rly not that good but who cares about my opinion anyways I will try to publish more chapters if I'm not busy. Stay safe and have a fun summer! See ya!

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