"Fucking bitch,you're so dead" he said holding his dangling ear

  I didn't let him retreat further before launching a kick at his groin

  He stared wide eyed at me for few seconds before dropping to the floor

  "Darn,my kicks have gotten way better"

  I slit the wire binding my hands with the knife Micheal had given me

  "So the plan is in full launch now" I forced a crooked smile before picking the keys from his side belt

  I dressed in the guards clothes;a black shirt and camouflage khakis. I picked the cap up and put it on

  They didn't fit properly and were all too big but I moved out looking all fine

  As I turned left of the corridor,I met Micheal waiting as planned

  1 guard was easy to deal with,but and army.... I couldn't think about it. What if the unconscious guard woke up,or we bumped into the leader. As I thought all of these through,I immediately blurted out

  "What if we get caught,I mean we could meet a 100 man squad and we couldn't possibly beat that,or you're probably shot dead,maybe even..."

  "Please,take a chill pill,no one's getting caught or dying" he said flashing a mischievous smile

"Oh and you're sweating profusely. Here.." He said handing me a napkin

  I wiped my face,dumped the napkin and we headed out

  The alley was big,we passed three hallways but hadn't seen any form of reflection from the sun

  "Are we there yet?" I asked for the fourteenth time .
  "You know,I'd really appreciate you being quiet,if we really get caught we'd probably have our heads on a plate as in the bible"

  I chuckled slightly and kept moving

  We finally arrived a small gate with several men. They wore the same uniform as me

  "We have an order from Alexander to guard the top floor"

  "The top floor has 12 men on duty already" the seeming boss said

  "Well I am here on special demands and in no position to conflict the boss's order so please grant us pass or contend with him"

  I presumed this boss in question was neither  a lover of jokes nor defiling orders because the gates were immediately opened

  As I stepped forward to follow suit after Micheal,one of the men stepped before me and glared viciously at me. He was laughing at my oversized clothes

  "And who are you exactly?" Another asked staring daggers at me

  At the sound of that question,I froze,I felt butterflies in my stomach.

  I only managed to stammer some meaningless things before Micheal cut in

  "She's a transfer from the mainland camp in Germany,she only speaks Deutsch and no english"

  "She sure is hot as hell" another said,an attempt to crack a silly joke

  "du solltest dich besser verlaufen (you'd better get lost )" I finally uttered in Deutsch

  I studied a lot so it was only natural I knew a lot of languages and Micheal had picked my point of expertise

  "Easy lady" the guard who spoke last finally said

  I was sure no one could discern what I had said as everyone stared at me especially Micheal

  "We'd be leaving now" he said and pulled me out behind him

  The guard finally became conscious,he jumped off the ground like someone almost bitten by a mamba. He finally spotted his walkie talkie

  "Hostage escaped,command centre lock all available exits,I repeat hostage escaped"

  "What the hell is happening?"

  Felicity fumed as she got news on this. 

  "Why the f**k are y'all standing here?? Get to work and find the goddamn bitch"

  The tension grew as there was an uproar in the alley

  "Darn it" she screamed knocking the chic vase off the table in Alex's office

  He on the other hand sat as collected as ever,he as usual had no readable expression on his face,only smiling wryly

  "She's courting death"

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