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Soulmate bonds are an incomprehensible phenomenon. Every individual is destined, by some ineffable force, to be with another, with few documented abnormalities. The soulmate bond is puzzling to even the most decorated of scientists. It defies all areas of logic. No use of physics, biology, or chemistry can explain why two humans can feel each other, but emotionally and physically, even on opposite ends of the globe.

The bond begins as a weak, tugging feeling during childhood. Occasional pinches of pain lasting no longer than a minute have been the most well-documented early signs. During adolescence, the pain becomes clearer. Twinges of stabbing pain evolve into what may be a punch, scratch, or broken bone. Although the pain becomes more distinct, the skin remains unscathed. After puberty, the ability to feel the soulmate's emotions develops: joy, grief, embarrassment, anger. The progression from physically feeling one's soulmate to emotionally feeling them as well is perhaps the biggest adjustment of the soulmate bond. 

The soulmate bond grows stronger the closer one is to their other half. When in close proximity of one another, soulmates may be able to feel the faintest of touches on each other's skin. The connection is strongest immediately before discovering one's other half; so strong, they may even be able to feel their soulmate's heartbeat.

Some may know their soulmate for years, but not discover their connection immediately. The bond can be difficult to decipher—namely for those soulmate pairs who don't feel pain often. These cases are much more common than many experts believe.

But everyone is destined to find their soulmate. And no feeling can possibly amount to the absolute bliss of touching one's soulmate for the first time. Upon the first touch, a previously broken bond becomes complete. Some describe it as a current of electricity, a wave of euphoria, a—

Edie slammed the book shut with a frown.

"Load of bullshit," she grumbled while flipping through the old, tattered book. The pages seemed to stick to her fingers, and her head spun as she skimmed the original copy of The Science Behind Soulmate Bonds.

"Edith Ann!"

A screeching voice echoed throughout the mansion and resounded from the surrounding walls of the library. Edie jumped in shock, nearly ripping a page out of the old book. She scrambled to shove it back in its place in the alphabetized shelves and swung her bag over her shoulder.


Edie glided through the second-floor hallway, but stopped abruptly as she approached the grand staircase. Her mother stood at the bottom of the grand staircase, her foot tapping impatiently against the marble floor.

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