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"Bravo, Edith! Much, much improved!" Madame Mercier applauded her student enthusiastically as Edie removed her hands from the keys and returned them to her lap.

The teenager exhaled in relief and a proud grin tugged at her lips. 

"Did you do something different during your practices this week? At this rate we may be able to sneak in another piece for your exposition," the old woman praised her.

I got dicked down by JJ Maybank, Edie thought.

"I did a lot of chunked repetitions," she said.

Madame placed her wrinkled hands on Edie's shoulders, "Well keep doing that, chérie. My only criticism is measures--"

"64-68. I know," Edie finished her teacher's sentence. The woman nodded once sharply before placing her notebook down, silently dismissing Edie from her lesson.

Just as Edie rose from the bench, the front doorbell rang followed by a sharp knock.  

Madame Mercier's brows cinched and she mumbled under her breath, "Qui est là?"

Edie continued her work packing up her things as Madame went to answer the door. The teenager nearly dropped her books when she heard her father's distinct voice sound through the house.

"It's nice to see you, Madame. I'm not interrupting, am I?"

Edie scrambled to finish packing her bag and rushed out of the room, nearly tripping over her clumsy feet. She slid into the front room with a frazzled look as she stared wide-eyed at Clyde Montgomery. He stood with his hands on his hips as he spoke with her teacher with a polite smile that didn't reach his hard eyes. His gaze shifted to his daughter and he nodded towards her, beckoning her over.

"I apologize for showing up unannounced," he addressed Madame, "I simply wanted to check in on Edith's progress. I trust she communicated with you our deal?"

Madame pushed her wire-framed glasses onto her head as she squinted up at the tall man in confusion. Clyde shot his daughter a hard look as it was evident the older woman had no idea what he was on about.

"Edith, go wait outside in the car. I'll be there shortly," he sighed, running a hand over his face.

Edie's lips dipped and she shrank in on herself at his tone. She felt like a child. Nevertheless, she nodded obediently and scurried out of the house, avoiding Madame's watchful eye. She clambered into the front seat of the Rolls-Royce and slammed the door shut behind her with a groan. She shouldn't have been surprised by her father's lack of trust in her. He had actually been giving her more freedom than she expected. But it still frustrated her, nonetheless. She leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes with a sigh. While she waited, she drummed measures 64-68 on her thigh, hoping to imprint the problem area in her muscle memory. 

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