You Get Hurt pt 2

Start from the beginning

Back and forth the ball went between you and Bakugo , you both were so focused one of you had to win.

Camie thought you looked with that determined look on your face so she decided to take a picture of you.

"Cutie! Smile!" She cheered making you turn to her , your hand was ready to catch the ball just incase.

You glared at her but she still took the photo anyways.



Your eyes widen at the sound then feel immense pain coming from your hand you turn to look at your hand.

Your finger was swelling and was turning red a very clear sign that it was broken.

Camie came over to check it out and just stared at it not knowing what to do in this situation.

Bakugo was there staring wide eyed at what he had accidentally done.

"C-can somebody call the fucking hospital !!" You say gritting your teeth in pain.

Conclusion: In my honest opinion I don't think she would freak out that much ,more like just stare at it and her mind would go blank for minute because she wouldn't know what to do .


You and Neijire were walking around city and there were a lot of cars . One just happened to be driving too fast .

Narrator's POV

You and Neijire were walking around the city hand in hand. Neijire was talking non stop so you just listened to her and ignored the busy traffic.

The thing was you were so caught up in Neijire's words you didn't see the car that was driving very quickly and very close to you.


Neijire turned to the noise and gasped then turned to you and almost fainted.

"(Y/N) you there's something wrong with your arm " She pointed out, you were confused . You furrowed your brows as she pointed to your arm .

Until you realised your hand was gone.

And your forearm..

And your elbow...

And your shoulder ..

You look to see your right arm on the floor next to you.

"Oh would you look at that" You remarked walking over to your limb and picked it up and swinged it over your other shoulder like it was nothing.

You turned to your girlfriend holding her hand once again "Let's keep going there's a new café that opened up that I want to take you to" you say casually.

Neijire wouldn't stop looking at your arm and how it was regrowing into a small nub.

"Do you need to go to the hospital ? You lost a lot of blood" Neijire suggested but you shook your head.

"Nah too much effort my arm will grow back in a day or two so no need " You reply as you both continue to walk to the new café for your date.

"Hey Miss/Mr/Sai?" Said a young voice.

You look to see a little boy in a doctor's lab coat.

"C-can I h-have your arm?" He asked shyly looking down at his feet while playing with his fingers.

"Yeah sure, I don't need it "You reply shrugging your shoulders handing your arm to the young boy.

"W-Wow! Thank you!" He said waving goodbye as he ran back to his mom .

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