Chapter 2: Back To Reality

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Lucy's Pov

It's my first day at a new school, and I'm a nervous wreck, I've left all my friends and not to mention my boyfriend at my old school. I wouldn't have had to move if it wasn't for the expansion of my father's business.

I don't really get along with my father, we used to be very close before my mother died, after that our relationship went down hill. At first he couldn't stand to be around me, I guess it was because I reminded him too much of my mum, but eventually he got over it.

We do have general conversations, mostly about his work or my education, I'm ranked first In my year so he never really had a problem with me when it came to studying.

We are a very wealthy family, we have a large estate and i got everything I ever wanted, but I never found happiness in materialistic objects.

Every year we take a family trip, not always to the same places as I tend to get bored, I love exploring different places and i love trying out new things.

This year during my summer break me and my friends headed off for the beach, we stayed in some local hotels. It was an amazing experience, we had so much fun, I even met someone i don't think I'll ever forget, he was soo fun to be around, we had such a great time together but our time together was really short and went by so quickly.

I had an actual summer romance, there's just something about meeting someone so randomly and you instantly click because you have the same interests. It's nothing really for me to be proud of, I mean I have a boyfriend that really cares about me. But the guy i met was just so beautiful, he had gorgeous pink hair, silky smooth skin, the perfect pair of black eyes and his smile was to die for.

I have to forget about him, it's just a silly crush. Ill never see him again so theirs no point in me crying over spilt milk.

So, I'm starting a new school today, it's called Fairy Tail High, it supposed to be one of the top schools in this city.

I really don't want to be the new girl, I don't want to feel awkward. What if not one likes me?

My dad insists on the driver taking me to school but I don't really want to make a scene. There's no talking my father out of this, once he says something, that's that, there's no ifs or buts about it.

As I get out the car, it seems to me like everyone is already inside, I can't be late on my first day..

I look down at my watch and i still have a few minutes to spare. I see what they mean about this being the top school in the city. Every one is so punctual.

As I enter the school, I here some one call out to me.

"You must be Lucy Heatfilia.. " they questioned.

"yes I am ", i replied. They told me to follow them to the classroom and wait outside. I was so nervous I was shaking.

The teacher called me inside, and told me to introduce myself..

"Hi, I'm lucy heatfilia, it's very nice to meet you all", I said as I bowed down.

I lifted my head up slightly and there in the back of the room i seen.... Him....

Natsu?? I thought in my head

But how?

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