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I am very sure he was fed up by the 3rd week of being able to hear my thoughts. His ability had improved though. He could hear my thoughts even when I was climbing up the stairs of the castle to give Her Majesty the reports every evening. And trust me that was quite a distance. He'd tease me about my thoughts when I entered the room.

I made sure I stopped thinking important thought whenever I was within the vicinity of the castle. especially because I didn't want him knowing anything about our strategy. It wasn't that I didn't trust him. I did,but it was an unspoken rule that the topic of our strategies would be off limits.

He must have been fed up with all the curses I muttered and the insults I hurled at him in my head.

I had begun hurling another barrage of insults at him this day and was just getting to my best insults when I heard it. He was sat on the bed again, the same way he always did, but he was watching me like a hawk this time as though he expected me to attack him anytime. He wore similar clothes to his last like he had been doing everyday.

I was smirking at him, knowing he could hear me but his face was neutral. Then I heard it, as I turned to slide my chest piece over my head.

"Swear, if she insults me one more time. Just one more, I'll tie her to her chair and let my Mylidred handle her. But then again, only Lady luck knows what he'll do to her. He might as well just lick her instead of scaring or reprimanding her, traitor that he is."

The words were loud and clear in my ears as though he had spoken right beside my ear.

I turned to him so fast, I had whiplash.

"Kerran, did you say something right now?"

"No. Why do you ask?" He asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"Because I just heard you say something about tying me to a chair and your Mylidred being a traitor." I told him raising a brow at him daring him to contradict.

"Ah... It's a two way thing." He said in realisation, nodding slowly.

"What is?"

"Hearing thoughts. I could hear your first, now you can hear mine." He informed me. "My mother may have mentioned something about this but we might have forgotten through the years. We'll have to do some research on our own."

"Ah...I see. Well, it's about time. Now, what were you saying about tying me to a chair?" I asked raising my brow at him, hands on hips.

He chuckled, getting off the bed.

"I was joking, Nora." He told me, walking up to me, his hands outstretched to give me a hug. I ducked.

"You conniving child. And you make it seem as though you're not bothered when you're just as bad." I ranted, backing away from him. Till I backed up right against a wall.

He laughed. He had me right where he wanted me. I tried to duck to my right, but he placed he eldow then lower arm against the wall, right beside my neck, I tried escaping through the right too, but his right elbow and lower arm were there already. He had anticipated my escape.

"Now, now, Nora, any sane person would not insult a potentially dangerous person." He told me, his breath fanning over my face. He was at least 2 feet taller than me. His height had always intimidated me, when we were younger. Not as much as how neutral his face normally was, but it intimidated me none the less.

Now though, I was weary. His eyes were growing darker per second. I held his stare. I won't lie and say that I wasn't scared because I was.

He seemed to be battling with his Mylidred for control. He looked to be losing.

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