———That night———
"Okay, I was able to find $24 in all of my piggy banks and drawers." Riley says as we try to gather some money to give to Farkle.
"I sold a couple of baseball bats online. I got $58 to kick in." I say and hand Riley the money. I may not like them right now but Farkle is one of my best friends.
"Thank you, Lucas. All right, so... Between the two of us, we can give Farkle $82." Riley says before turning to Maya "Maya?" She asks.
"Between the three of us, we can give Farkle $82. Good job, guys!" She says.
"Hi, guys." Farkle says walking in.
"Hi, Farkle." We say.
"We wanted to give you something. $82." Riley says.
"Thanks, but I think it's Maya who can help me out best." Farkle replies.
"How?" Maya asks confused.
"I want you to give me lessons on how to be poor." "Done. $82 a lesson." She says and he hands her the money. "Lesson one complete."
"You have less than we do, Maya, but you live a really good life. You don't just survive in this world. You thrive. That's what I've always loved about you." Farkle says.
"Thanks, Farkle. Not much to tell you except... you see these clothes I wear?" Maya says.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Shawn bought them for me, and I take care of them and I appreciate them. I don't have much, but I try to appreciate what I do have."
"That's really good advice, Maya. I mean, I have so much. I don't really appreciate any of it. Now, it's gonna be gone."
"Well... Let's go to your house while you still have it." Riley says.
"My house?" Farkle asks.
"Yeah. Farkle, you've been to our houses. We haven't been to yours." Riley responds.
"I don't think that's a good idea." He says before we hear Ari walk in.
"Hey guys. Hi bubs" she says and sits on my lap.
"Hey Ari" Riley, Maya, and Farkle say.
"Hi baby" I say kissing her quickly.
"Farkle I know this is probably hard for you so here. This is my babysitting money from my last three jobs. It's about $80" Ari says handing him an envelope.
"You're a babysitter?!" Maya and Riley shout.
"Yeah" she responds with a small smile.
"Thank you Ari, but you don't have to. You worked for that" he replies.
"And I'll have more jobs. Take it please" she says.
"Okay. Thank you" he says and leans over to give her hug.
"So what were you guys talking about?" She asks.
"We were just saying how we should go to Farkle's house while he still has it." Riley says.
"I still don't think that's a good idea." Farkle says.
"Farkle, we get it. You were rich. You have a nice room. " I say.
"Well, I just want to hang out with you guys at your places." Farkle says.
"Why?" Ari asks.
"I don't know. I like your places."
"We're going. Your room can't change how we feel about you." Maya says.

———Farkle's house———
Ari POV:
We make our way to Farkle's house and before I know it we're in his room and all our jaws drop. We continue standing there just gaping for a few minutes before Lucas speaks up "Why is your mouth open?" He asks turning to Farkle.
"Maya's hitting me." He replies.
"Maya." Riley scolds.
"Look at this stuff! How can you not hit him?" Maya exclaims.
"You have to stop!" He yells.
"What are you gonna do about it, little... rich boy?" Maya asks teasingly and we hear a train toot and I just gape.
"What is that? A train?" Maya asks.
"I'm gonna send you far, far away." Farkle says and the train toots.
"You have boarded the "C" train for the kitchen, the skating rink, and the Minkus Megaplex 17." The conductor says.
"I wanna go too" I say and Lucas laughs.
"Farkle, how do you possibly live here? Look down there. The people are ants." Riley says and Lucas and I look up.
"Woah" I say as I see a comet.
"Look up there. I just saw a comet fly by." Lucas says.
"Yeah. My ceiling is a planetarium. But don't worry, Riley. Pluto will always be a planet in my room." Farkle says.
"Aw. Good. You're the same Farkle no matter how much money you have." Riley says.
"Yeah, I don't think money could change any of us." Lucas says and the train toots before appearing again.
"What? I stopped at the gift shop." A blinged our Maya says.
We all continue looking around and before I know it Lucas is playing virtual golf, and Farkle hands me a VR headset.
"What is it?" I ask.
"You'll like it. I promise" he says and I put it on and my jaw drops. I'm outside stark tower, and oh my god Peter Parker is right there.
"Hey Ari" he says.
"H-H-Heyyyyy Peter" I say.
"You good" he asks.
"Umm Yea I'm yea I'm fine" I stutter out.
"Wanna go on patrol?" He asks.
"What?" I ask.
"Wanna go on patrol. You know Spider-Man and Spider-Womaning" he asks confused.
"I'm...yea let's go" I say after realizing I'm Spider-Woman and continue to follow him. This is cool.

Riley POV:
"Well, me and this cat would look wonderful strolling down the Champs-Elysees. Being Poor Lesson Number Two: We will never stroll down the Champs-Elysees." Maya says walking around Farkle's room.
"Paris. Enjoy." Farkle says giving her a headset.
"Oh, that's got some distance!" Lucas exclaims.
"Watch out! No you web him. I got the other one. Hey scumbag, you forgot this" Ari exclaims before throwing a punch into the air.
"I don't get boys. Farkle, what is this game? Zombies eat your brains four? Do you really play this? I'm ashamed of you." I say looking through his videogame options, while wondering what was in Ari's VR headset.
"Yeah? Try it." He says and I put it in.
"Stop it. What... what, this old thing? No, I just got this out of the closet. No, Jean Pierre L'Fontaine. As fun as this is... it's not real. Lesson Number Three on Being Poor: Way too easy to get caught up in what's not real. You got a great, big room, Farkle. It just... keeps us too far apart from each other." Maya says.
"Die, suckers! Die!" I yell at the TV.
"That's Lesson Number Four, right? It's better to be together." Farkle asks.
"Always." Maya replies before Minkus walks in.
"Hey, guys. Great to see you enjoying our house. Why haven't you ever been here?" He says.
"Oh, hi, Minkus. Nice crib. Die!" I exclaim shooting another zombie.
"Very sorry, you know, for the unfortunate turn of events." Maya says as I walk over.
"Thanks. I've always felt that it's not the event that reveals the man, but how the man responds to the event that reveals the true nature of character." Minkus responds.
"How are you responding, sir?" Maya asks.
"I watch cartoons. I eat cereal without milk because my tears fill the bowl. Stuff like that." Minkus replies.
"I want you to know I don't care if we live like this or not." Farkle says.
"Why not, Farkle? Aren't you proud of what we've done?"
"I'm not really sure of what we've done, Dad. I know if the stock market goes up, you're happy, and if it goes down, you're not. I know the busier you are, the less I get to see you, and if you're wondering why I've never brought my friends here before, it's because I'm a little embarrassed." Farkle says as Lucas walks over.
"By me?" Minkus asks.
"No. Never by you. By all this stuff we have. We have so much. Why do we deserve it?" Farkle asks and Minkus stands there for a bit before leaving.
"Hey wait a minute where's Ari?" Lucas asks.
"She probably forgot it was virtual reality" Farkle responds smiling.
"How would she forget?" Maya asks.
"What was in hers?" I ask.
"Ohhh come on I'll connect it to the TV" he says smirking and before we know it an image appears.
"You put her in the MCU?!" Lucas exclaims and I look at him confused.
"Yea just wait" Farkle says.
"If you look to the left you'll see my fist" a boy in a red suit says.
"Did that just work?" Ari asks him.
"Yea I'm honestly pretty surprised" he says before they spray the man they were beating up with what looks like webs.
"You put her in a VR with Tom Holland?!" Lucas yells.
"No I put her in one with Peter Parker" Farkle responds.
"Dude you know how much she likes him" Lucas says.
"Yea but watch it's so cool."
"I guess."
"Race you to the tower" Ari exclaims to the boy.
"Your on" he says pulling off the mask to reveal a cute boy.
"Peter! Ari!" A man in a tux yells after they get to a building.
"Mr.Stark!" They exclaim.
"Come on lab time" he says and they move to an elevator before Farkle does something and the screen turns black and we hear a shout.
"No!!!" Ari yells as she pulls off the headset. "I almost got to see Tony Stark's lab!"
"Hey baby" Lucas says.
"Hi bubs" she says and me and Maya frown.
"Did you have fun?" He asks.
"Yeah I got to go on patrol and I totally kicked butt. I got to swing around and shoot some webs. That was awesome. You think I could find a radioactive spider anywhere?" She says excitedly.
"No!" He yells. "You're not gonna try to get bitten by a spider so you can become Spider-Woman" he says.
"Awww" she says pouting.
"Come on baby" he says and she gives the headset to Farkle before hugging him.
"Thank you. That was awesome. Like a dream come true" she says to Farkle.
"Your welcome" he replies before we leave to go to Maya's apartment.

His Texas Girl// Lucas FriarМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя