ya know I like you too right?

Start from the beginning


y/f/n drove to the location of the party, it was a really nice house in a rich neighborhood. we didn't have a lot of party's since everyone is busy with school, but if there is one you could never miss the opportunity. we were chilling in the car going over our game plan, "okay, so which one of us is going to get drunk?" y/f/n asked. "you can get drunk, I feel like being a mom tonight" i say through a soft chuckle. 

the second we stepped out of the car, the sound of bass from the music flooding the outside. it was faint, but as soon as we walked into the house the volume grew. the smell of alcohol and weed took over my senses, it was almost impossible to breathe but slowly I got used to it. 

i took one look at y/f/n and she ran off immediately with some boy, giggling and running to the dance floor. i was left alone but I didn't care, I made my way around the house to the kitchen where it was much quieter. there were few people there, I look at the counter piled up with drinks. i helped myself to a beer knowing I wouldn't get drunk off this, I took a sip and leaned against some cabinets next to a big fridge when two girl start looking over at me and whispering.

i was annoyed by their actions because I knew they were talking about me having feelings for Ruel. "yeah, go ahead take a picture it'll last longer" i snap being the bad bitch I am, "ya know I heard Ruel's single right now" one of the girls said in the bitchest tone ever. "okay and... you wanna prize or something" i reply back with the same attitude, "figured we should tell you... so you can go make your move" the other girl said mocking me for my feeling. they laughed at me and started whispering again, I don't usually let those kind of thing get to me but this time it did. 

i turned my head and looked down not knowing what else to do or say, when a familiar voice spoke "you two just never know when to fuck off" i look up to see who it was and to my surprise it was Ruel. the two girls quickly scramed and left the room, Ruel then walked closer to me and opened the fridge. the door of the fridge blocked me from staring at the beautiful boy, so i just looked back down and drank my drink.

"fans am i right" he joked closing the fridge after grabbing something, he now had a drink in his hand and leaned against the cabinets next to me. i softly chuckled at his words, "that makes the two of us, you got your fans and i got mine" i say as Ruel took a sip of his drink. i laugh at him again before putting my hand out to shake his "the names y/n" "yeah i know" he replied shaking my hand. 

the contact of his skin made goosebumps form on my skin, i felt the butterflies in my belly go rampage. "of course you do, people these days dont understand what shutting their mouths are soo..." i mumbled. he laughed at my awkwardness "i like you y/n, you're funny" Ruel said leaving me shook from his words.

we both chilled drinking our drinks, it was quiet but not awkward. The whole time we were quiet i was recaping evry moment in my life leading up to this, holy fucking shit Ruel is standing right next to me holyyy!  

we suddenly hear one of Ruels friend alex shouting from the living room, "THIS ONE IS FOR MY BOY VAN DIJK... HERE IS HARD SOMETIMES" he drunkily stated before blasting hard sometimes in the loud speakers. Ruel shook his head and it was clear he was embarrassed, "who in the fuck gave drunk alex the aux chord" he said while awkwardly laughing. 

for some reason I was feeling ballsy and came up with a great idea "hey... let's get out of here" "I like your thought process" ruel said taking my hand and leading me to the back door that was close by. 

we walk into the backyard hand in hand, he keeps looking over at me and smiling which just makes me absolutely melts. "c'mon lets go get slurpy's or something" he says before climbing over the backyard fence. i follow behind him and almost fall but before I do he catches me, "my hero" i joke with him. 

we run like fools to a close by gas station and get large slurpy's, Ruel pays for me and we start walking around the area. "I don't know why we didn't start talking sooner... like you're so fun to be with" Ruel said walking beside me and occasionally bumping shoulders with me. "we both come from very different worlds van dijk" i joke with him, "that is true" he said grabbing my free hand and dragging me to a nearby playground. 

we plop down on the play set chugging down our slurpy's, "you know I like you right?" I confess to Ruel. "yeah... i know, we used to be friends for like what 3 month" he said chuckling. "but then Mary got jealous because she liked me too... so she started being an absolute bitch" he continued. "yeah..." I awkwardly reply, "ya know I like you too right?" he tells me leaving me in absolute shock. 

"shut up, no you don't" i laugh, "why else am I always on and off with mary... she knows I like you too but she doesn't want to admit it and she hates the thought of losing me to someone shes totally jealous of" Ruel spills. a wide eyed expression take over me, I'm in disbelief! 

"would it be okay if I kissed you?" Ruel asked politely, without an answer I lean in and we both softly kiss each other. getting lost in each others embrace, savoring every moment with each other.

sorry I hated the way I ended things but like I didn't know how else to end it, anyways... do you guys want a part 2 or nah?

hope you guys like these I know its been a good minute since I've wrote anything here. PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS it would mean a lot cuz I don't usually know what to write about. 

i love you guys byeeee

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