Bittersweet Truth

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This chapter will be in Ray's P.O.V.


I couldn't speak.

My emotions were having a war inside of me.

I could do nothing but stare at the man who had become the center of my world in a matter of hours, covered in blood that I knew wasn't his.


"I should'a known. After all that, you're still wearin' that borin' old face of yours."

Leave it to Zack to make me panic for almost a year, then insult me the moment he gets to see me.

'Speaking of which-'

"Zack? But how-"

"How?! What do you mean how?" He finished his retort looking at me like I had just sprouted horns and chicken feathers.

"Aren't you supposed to be in prison?" I asked, still taking in the fact that he was in front of me.

"Yeah, well obviously, I decided to change my plans" Zack answered, his cocky nature showing through.

'But, why? Why are you here? I told you-'

"But Zack, when I last saw you," I felt tears begin to sting my eyes, "I said that I would carry our vow."

"Yeah, that doesn't quite cut it for me. Besides, isn't a promise made between two people?"

His eyes lacked the intensity they always carried. They were now tender and caring.

"Wait. I'm not sure I get it. Are you still gonna kill me or not?" My voice was barely above a whisper at this point.

"What do you think? You know me, when I want something, I make damn sure that I get it. We gotta hurry though, I don't have a lotta time, here." The sound of sirens was noticeable now.

"And you better not have forgotten your end of the deal"; his voice matched his eyes. This was the most sincere I had ever seen him.

"Of course not, Zack. I didn't forget! I could never forget! We promised, didn't we? You and me right? No matter what gets in our way!" I let my tears fall free now, wanting nothing more than to jump to him and leave this world behind.

"Hell yeah! So, are ya ready?" He knew there was no question as he reached his hand out to me.

"Yes!" I said - mostly to myself - as I took his hand and we lept out the window.

Time seemed to stop as we stayed suspended in the air; Zack's invisible wings keeping us off the ground.

"It's time now. So, if you would...kill me, please." My voice shook with joy, both from being with Zack again and the fulfillment of my wish. I knew what he would say next, it was part of our deal.

"If that's what you want, stop crying and smile," he said, and gave me an example.

It was stunning. His smile was full of emotions that I had never seen in Zack and they reached his eyes.

But I didn't need an example. Just being here with him was enough to make me smile for days.

I focused on everything I was feeling. I had never felt this warmth before.

I closed my eyes so I could feel everything.

The wind surrounding us, his bandaged hand around mine, and the sound of sirens coming closer to us. I drowned them out, too happy to care.

I opened them to stare at him, feeling the corners of my mouth lift slightly.

'Even now, he's here for me. Zack, thank you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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