And Sokka, of course, whom Zuko was grateful was there, was also present. Sokka stepped back and Zuko hoped that the boy didn't see how hard he'd swallowed.

The three boys were all wearing costume variations based on Water Tribe animals. Arrluk's leaned the most toward subtle, toeing the line of Fire Nation influence. He was a good diplomat, Zuko considered, playing both sides. Hahn had tried to be as intimidating as possible, while it looked like Sokka just wanted to look cool.

Zuko turned, still looking at himself in the costume, a part of him terrified he'd blink and be thirteen again, or that all night he'd be swimming in memories...

"Damn, you look a bit scary."

Zuko spun and grinned immediately as Aang unlocked the door to the room, slipping in, fully in costume already. He'd known that the troops had returned, having seen Zhao skulking about the halls, but he'd figured that Aang was exhausted and it was best to leave him to sleep.

"Buddy!" Sokka went for him with wide, open arms, giving him a huge hug. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

"Hey, Kuzon!" Arrluk said, high-fiving him. The other boys in the room patted his shoulder or gave welcoming sounds, waving. Even Hahn smirked and greeted him.

Aang was easily liked. He had trouble making enemies. His presence was just infectious, addictive, in a way that Zuko's never had been. While Zuko had questioned every step he'd taken his whole life, and often put his foot in his mouth, Aang seemed to attract companions. People just wanted to be around him.

Perhaps that was why he had slid into the Royal Family so easily. If anyone had any doubts about his lineage, he was just so damn likable, which was rare in the Royal Family, that most just let it slide. He won people over from the first time they met him. It was a shame...if Aang truly was part of the Royal Family, he might have been able to do some good. He surely had the influence.

Aang was a dragon tonight too, as everyone in the Royal Family would be. Zuko could not help but snort when he realized that the colors in Aang's costume were mostly golds and oranges. Yes, they were the colors of fire, but they were also the colors of air benders. It was subtle enough that probably no one would notice, but Zuko wasn't sure if he was pleased by this silent 'fuck you' to Ozai or worried by it.

Aang collapsed on the couch, crinkling his costume. It was a good thing he'd have a mask on, as there were huge bags under his eyes. He yawned.

"Think your dad will notice if I slip out early? I'm still basically dead on my feet," Aang moaned. "And there's the tournament tomorrow..."

"C'mon, half the fun is getting wasted tonight," Hahn ribbed him. "And preferably, ending up in bed with a lucky lady..."

"No!" Zuko growled, "No more Royal Scandals."

"Well, it wouldn't be a Royal Scandal for Hahn, not really." Arrluk's face slipped into an unusual vicious grin. "Besides, the girl he wants to bed won't even look at him, much less sleep with him."

"Who...ack, ew, no!" Zuko wanted to leave the room. Very badly.

"It's true!" Arrluk said, ignoring the fact that Hahn looked as though he wanted to punch his face in right about now. "Besides, Azula invited her boyfriend here tonight."

"Boyfriend? I'll show him-" Hahn cracked his knuckles.

"Why are you bothering?" Sokka squinted. "Firstly, I do not understand the appeal. Let me just get that out there. But more so, you have zero chance. The only way you'd be allowed to go for Azula is if Yue won the competition and Arrluk took the Water Tribe throne. But at that point, Yue would be married to Zuko, so an allegiance with the Fire Nation would be pretty useless."

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