The breakdown

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     Hewwo guys 🤗😊😋😋☺👋👋👋

So how are you guys UwU right now when I'm writing this its 11:20 PM and I heard a scream I'm scared please help 😓😓😣😣😣😬😬😖

JK JK I did hear a scream tho and it is 11:20 Pm so yeah well let's get on with the story 😋

Your pov:

You were fine today but you didn't know what was coming.

You walked into class and said "Hey Todoroki-kun" without thinking you looked up to see todoroki blushing then I asked " You okay Todoroki-kun? We're dating you need to calm down" you pulled his face down and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah but," he couldn't find his words then suddenly the alarm sounded that indicated that the  LOV is attacking, everyone was screaming and running out the class door then you heard Ilda yell "Everone calm down!" Then someone grabbed your hand it was Shoto.

That made you happy then you heard "Y/ N Y/ N DON'T TRUST THAT PERSON THEY MAY LOOK LIKE ME BUT THEY AREN'T!!!!!"then 'shoto' grabbed your mouth so you couldn't talk then they pulled you close and said "don't believe them its okay". 

Then they knocked you out and then suddenly you woke up and you were tided up to a chair you looked over and there he was Shoto was tided up in a chair too then you asked "is that really you shoto?" You looked at him with worry in your eyes, then he said "Yes its me"

"Then what's my full name?" You said

"Its Y/N M/N L/N" said Shoto then a voice popped in "Are you guys dating?!?" Said Twice "Yes, Yes we are " You said, then you felt your chair being pushed then thud against todoroki's chair you leaned your head against todoroki's shoulder.

Then Toga looked at you and asked "how do you get a boy to love you?" And you said "well first you have to make sure they respect your choices and that they like you back" Toga looked at you in shock "Ohhhhhhhhh You don't cut them up that was my problem" you looked at her in shock then you sneezed.

"Oh no " you thought to yourself  you looked down and yup you had your period then Toga secretly handed you a tampon and a pair of fresh underwear and Jeans then she said "one sec Let me bring Y/N to the bathroom real quick" then she untied you but held on to you, you walked into the bathroom with toga standing outside.

You changed and toga handed you a bag to put your clothes in, "Thanks.... Uh I never got your name?" You said "Oh my name is Toga" she said "Oh Thanks..Toga" 

Then you got tided back in your chair "let us out" said todoroki "what do you even want from us anyway?" You said "because we need to talk to yo-" you instantly interrupted saying "Why do you need to talk to us!" You tried to get closer to todoroki as you didn't know if they would hurt you "well we thought that your quirk seduce could help us" said shigaraki you had a secret quirk that was passed on to you it was called mind illusion time freeze it was were you could freeze time for a single person and talk to them but then when you unfroze time they sounded like they were crazy you decided that this would be a good time to use both of your quirks so you froze time for shigaraki then turned on your quirk seduce you made shigaraki come over to you and untie you then you turned off both your quirks and untided todoroki.

"Let's run!" You said to Todoroki grabbing his arm "oh uh okay" said Todoroki 

The Newcomer (Shoto Todoroki x Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ