Rhadu A'Khet - The Book of Terrus

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*Spoilers for 'The Book of Terrus'*

Story: 'The Book of Terrus: A Land of Sunlight'

Full name: Rhadu A'Khet

Age at introduction: 34

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Age at introduction: 34

Birthday: August 12th, 960 A.A.

Gender: Male

Zodiac sign: Leo

Occupation: Eimir of Clan A'Khet, current Lord of the Weeping Keep

Current status: Alive


Orientation: Heterosexual

Parents: Unnamed 

Siblings: Several, all younger and unnamed 

Partner(s): Ellorae Amenthis

Children: None


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 lbs

Build: Average

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Dark brown

Blood type: O-

Nationality: Clansfolk (later Nyrnnish) 

Faceclaim: Mahesh Jadu

Myers–Briggs Personality Type: ESFJ ('Consul')

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Myers–Briggs Personality Type: ESFJ ('Consul')

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Dungeons and Dragons alignment: Neutral Good

Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert

Fight or flight: Fight

Optimist or pessimist: Optimist 

Skills/talents/areas of interest: Politics, poetry, griffin-racing 

Strengths: Strong sense of responsibility, engaging, thoughtful and warm 

Weaknesses: Takes criticism poorly, focused on social status, passive-aggressive 


(Tadaaa LucyBoal ! ^_^ )

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