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A/N: This is the final part (NOT of the whole fanfic, or this section of the fanfic) siorghporghnruihg I actually love this one sm!! It's a bit longer than the others that's why it took an extra day... anyways, ENJOY!!

Spensa blinked and the world drifted into focus. She stared at the wall blankly, trying not to think. But still memories from the previous day flooded into her vision. Spensa stood up abruptly and the sudden change made her sway. She had to clutch the wall to keep upright and even then her vision was blurry.

Spensa fell back into bed, her breathing uneven. A head poked into her room. "Spin?" Kimmalyn said.


"Oh, uh I was gonna tell you that breakfast is ready. But you don't look so good..."

"I'm fine." Spensa said curtly, ignoring the way the world tilted as she sat and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Kimmalyn nodded hesitantly and closed the door again.

Half an hour later, Spensa was dressed and out the door. She'd splashed water on her face a few times because she knew there was nothing physically wrong with her- even so, she wasn't hungry so she skipped breakfast. Spensa paused outside of the meeting room, closing her eyes to mentally prepare herself.

She breathed in then out, forced a smile on her face, and opened the door. She avoided Jorgen's gaze, instead sitting down quietly. When the room fell silent, she looked up and snapped: "What? Don't you guys have work to be doing?"

Everyone went back to what they were doing.

Spensa zoned out most of the meeting trying to work up to courage to work up the courage to glance at Jorgen, which made her feel like a lovesick puppy, which made her feel frustrated. It was fine. She'd quite literally spilled her heart out to him and he'd just... stood there like she hadn't said a damn thing.

Someone coughed and Spensa's head snapped up. "Spensa?" Jorgen asked, and her eyes instinctively went to him. He winced at her sudden and sharp glare. "I was just wondering what you thought?"

She turned away from him, the idea of looking at him too painful and mumbled a brief reply. The meeting continued and Spensa went back to being ignored.

The meeting ended suddenly and before she knew it, people were filing out of the room, Jorgen included. She stared at his feet under the table as he passed by.

When the door closed she let out a sigh and slumped forward onto the desk. But then, the door opened again.

Hope filled the cavern in her chest that Jorgen had left behind. She nearly slumped in relief as his familiar voice filled the room. "Spensa..."

She tried to sound snappish but all that came out was a belated: "Yes?"

Jorgen stepped closer and before she knew it he was close enough to touch her chin and turn her head to face him. Being closer to him gave him a new perspective. His normally sharp eyes were dull, and he hadn't even bothered with hair.

"I wanted to tell you the other night," he whispered, and her breath caught. "But I didn't know what to say." Their faces were mere inches away.

"I do... Spensa. I love you so much and I'm sorry we broke up and I know it was my fault but I can't live without you Spensa." He rambled, echoing her words from the previous day and running a hand through his hair. "Breaking up with you... it was the worst decision I've ever made."

Spensa swallowed, because he'd said all the words exactly how she'd wanted him to say them. She felt like crying (in a good way) because this was what she'd wanted. So what if they would bicker, no relationship is perfect. But at the end of the day... as long as she had him by her side... everything was okay.

Her voice broke as she responded.

"I love you too."


Oh I reread Skyward that's where the sudden burst of inspiration came from.

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