|Chapter 63: A glimspe|

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~~Maruki's pov~~

I continued to have a show down with Akira until I heard a voice.

"Who..." I muttered.

"What are you scared about?" I heard this voice say.

Am I... Scared...? What am I scared of? I don't think I've ever been this scared.

"Who... Who are you...? Why are you trying to talk to me?" I looked around.

I could no longer see Akira in front of me but darkness. Instead I saw myself, why am I seeing myself in third person...? I saw someone walk up to that me, it was none other than (y/n).

"(y/n)...." I muttered.

I could hear her talking to this other me, supporting him and being there for him. I could feel my heart race and beam with joy.

"I forgive you, even if you done so much things that hurt me or done things I didn't want you to do... I forgive you. I'll never be mad at you, you could do a lot to me but I cant get myself to be mad at you. You mean so much to me." I heard her say.

I could feel myself about to tear up. I then remembered all the times that we have spent together but...

Don't you want to give everyone what they want? You'll be nothing but some pathetic man if you don't. People wouldn't appreciate you anymore. You'll be useless to everyone else, use my powers. Change everything, don't listen to a word they say.

"This is wrong...!" I yelled.

So you're just going to give up on this little dream of yours? Right after you prayed that you wish you had some sort of power to make everyone in the world happy? What about carrying on what Rumi would have wanted from you? What about-

"I've been over Rumi. Thanks to (y/n), Rumi is out of the way and I can't help but love and appreciate (y/n). Rumi isn't as important to me anymore, I care about (y/n)'s happiness. It's time I've moved on from her." I smiled.

Then don't you want to make (y/n) happy? Give her an own desire she'd want? Surely you can think of ways like that. What if she's begging you to?

"I don't think she'd like that at all... I think what she truly needs is to be with someone who will support her. Be with her for the rest of her life. I'm afraid I can't even let it happen at this point." I sighed

A/N: yes I'm adding stuff to make the story progress more

I then saw a glimpse of my own past... Times where I noticed how miserable people looked. Sometimes whenever I walked around I was usually the happy person. Every said I was a good influence and had such a positive impact on another.

"You always seem to be positive, having that smile on your face as usual." A familiar voice said.

"Yeah, everyone usually tells me that. They say stuff like 'Takuto, you always seem so calm or happy. I've never seen you once down before.'" I said.

"You should become some sort of doctor that works with people, the ones that talk and support their clients." The voice said.

"Huh me? That's a silly one Rumi, I don't think I could ever do that." I laughed off what Rumi had told me.

I forgot it was Rumi telling me to do this kind of thing.

"Why not? I think it would be a great idea." Rumi smiled.

"I'd rather become something that I want to be you know?" I said.

"Well then good luck on what you want." Rumi said.

It was then that the incident had happened, she had been hospitalized because she couldn't handle such trauma. I tried to support her but no matter what she would never recover from anything.

If there is someone or something out there please... Please help Rumi, please help me save her.

A persona came to my command and so I became some powerful person who was able to change the life of someone. I could brainwash and suppress people's memories which was an awful thing to do. I thought I would never recover from Rumi or even live such a happy life anymore until...

I saw a girl with such a sad look on her face, she looked more upset then I did. She looked like she was on the peak of her breaking point. The first thing I began to think is that I wanted to help this girl, I want to see her smile. And when I found out who she was I began to want to volunteer into helping her more.

I then began to be around her and support her more but the more I did I felt this strange feeling. The same thing that I felt for Rumi. Not only did I want to help this girl and see her smile more but I wanted to protect her.. I wanted to be around her a lot. I wanted her to rely on me. I wasn't aware about my feelings until I realized they were romantic feelings.

But there was no way I could ever return them back because of our limit and because of Rumi. I couldn't possibly do it. But she was there for me, the more she supported me and helped me the more I became fond over her. I wanted to be with her badly. I.. Loved her.

She was kind and showed me a lot of sympathy, she forgave me and laughed at the stuff I did. I felt happy for once that I had someone like that, I forgot about Rumi and focused on this girl more. That girl is... (y/n). If it weren't for her I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be the happiest person of my life. I probably would've been a miserable guy but she had changed everything for me. Which is why I have to... I have to stop this.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now