Chapter 1 - preview

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The day the news came flooding down the wires, systems in parliament buzzed with one hopeful message ; don't panic, but the internet practically exploded...

the band didn't hear a thing.

They were too busy in the studio being enveloped by the music. On these days being in the band felt like magic, it made up for the occasional arguments a thousand times.

When they played together they weren't four different men, they were four limbs of one great body a body moved and controlled by the essence of the music.

They played on. The music weaving itself into the tapestry of their souls.

Until the lights went out.

The music stopped with a messy scramble of sound.

"What the fu-" Chris said, his voice breaking the sudden silence.

"Did someone forget to pay the bills or something?" Will queried, adding his own confusion to the alien atmosphere which surrounded them, leaking through the corners of the room.

"No you idiot" Chris retorted, feeling his heart rate quicken

"Shh guys" it was Guy, nearest the sound boards that heard first, the radio playing.

"Who left this on?"

"Shhh. It sounds important"

And so they listened, and through the foggy haze of static which buzzed like a swarm of angry bees, they heard.

"This morning the - Government a - Note stating that, - we - from them by 11 - they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops - a state of war would exist between us.

I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that

consequently this country is at war"

Then with a pop the raspy sound of the radio faded.

The whole room was consumed by silence.

Chris was the first to laugh "guys, you're not serious... Guys," he tapped on the radio "you do know THIS speech is from 1939? This speech is from world war 2"

Then an altogether cleaner more 21st century voice broke through "and that is the message the government is declaring to musicians, artists and Thespians today. Anyone working within these three industries must report to the London docks where they will receive more information."

The first word anyone said was "crap"

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