Chapter 6

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It was half past 8 in the morning when they heard the first shot, as the truck trundled along tranquil country lanes weaving along with the twists and turns that had been there, probably for decades, or even milenia. The French countryside unfurled like a tapestry, thrown or rather draped over a green carpet. Of course, it was impossible to see within a truck which had such muddy walls and indeed a lack of windows as this one did.
But the sounds... Or lack thereof seeped through, and so did the smell of the fresh country air.
It was tremendous, and peaceful. Chris mused if he were not in his own personal hell he would have enjoyed it, it would have reminded him of home, and childhood. All it reminded him of now was just how much he had lost.
Meanwhile Jerry, The man who fancied himself as a bit of a comedian had on his face, the biggest smile, it was possible to see in the dark, he had sparkly teeth that practically glowed.
"Aye I ate a frogs leg once" he chuckled jovially "and they locked me up for cannibalism"
He was greeted with a gallery of gaunt faces.
"Oh come on! That wer' really gre't. Never fails to bre'ak t' ice."
Still nothing, he turned as red as his hair, the crickets chirping mournfully over the corpse of another dead joke filled him with dread.
Then, he found a silver lining, another joke or quip to spin "and that's why I'm banned from T'arctic"
Still nothing.
He let that joke lie and stared dejected at his boots. "Come on lads It's not th'end of th'world"
Boom the shot rung out of the silence,
"Psh-it..." Jerry gasped, his eyes widening dramatically.
Guy, johnny and will looked at each other, the quiet lay scattered around them uncomfortable, it was like sitting on broken glass.
"We're not even there yet..." Guy said nervously "why are they shooting now?"
The general perked up again "because, in war, there's no such thing as too early."
So it was an omen, of sorts, a sign of things to come.
There's no such thing as too early" jerry said again. "I think I'm gonna get that on me arm. Y'know, writ'n up it like?" 
The general snorted "it IS written up... On your badges "
Suddenly the van shuddered to a halt, throwing people into each other, faces into elbows, shoulders into faces. Jerry threw himself dramatically back into the wall, wheeling his arms around rapidly like a wimdmil during a tornado.
"Grow up" came the crushing response, but he quickly retorted.
"No. I already have to grow old.. Growing up is too much work for half the fun."
The general sat in silence and chewed his lip.
"I showed ya" jerry taunted under his breath as the other man got up and poked his head through the doors.
He gasped, the flash of sunlight flooded the room with an achingly sweet bright light. "Turn that light out!" Jerry bellowed.
"I will not." The voice drifted back through the van, along with the smell of gunpowder and cigarettes. "Some poor sods met a sticky end"

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