Chapter 7

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Mike, Bill, Stan, Ben and Bev were discussing about what they would do

"What the fuck is going on?" Mike said

"I didn't expect something like that from Richie! He knows about Bowers and all those stuff" Ben continues

"I-i th-think that n-n-now we h-have to f-f-focus on E-E-Eddie and n-not on R-R-Richie" Bill said

"why on Eddie? what have he done ?" Ben asked

"Oh my god Ben tell that you haven't noticed that yet" Stan added

"yeah but what if he wants to stay alone? probably that will help him" Mike suggested

"i agree" Ben nodded

"I think guys that i have to talk to him " Bev said "i know this situation very well and i'm sure that i can help him "

"Ummm...Beverly you didn't tell us if this asshole ,Connor, said something important about him or something, in Eddie's room" Stan said

Beverly was terrified for a minute but she decided to be calm.

"Nothing ,much he was pretty bored honestly. So from this time we have to keep Eddie as happy as we can! We will let him do whatever he want to do , in logical contexts of course.I don't know what Richie is going to do with his fucking life and i don't really care , i just know that Eddie is here and he is not ok. Anyway guys it's too late and nobody is in the mood , so is better to go home! i will take care of him tonight"

They nodded affirmatively all together and left the house. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"knock , knock" Beverly said outside Eddie's bedroom door

Eddie didn't answer.

"Ok buddy i hope you aren't naked because i'm coming inside!"

Eddie was sitting on his bed . He seems tired . He got empty eyes and his face was pale.

"Do you fancy go and buy some chocolate toghether? heard that there is a store which is opened all night what do you think?" Bev suggested.

He didn't want to. He was afraid that if they went , they would come across Richie and Connor.

"chocolate is bad for my health"

"Yeah , but it's good for your mood " Bev said

"Bev i don't want to! Please..."

"Ok then hmm... about to make you some hot milk to drink and calm?"

"I'M CALM! and yes if you don't mind" Eddie started yelling

"Yes sure, i will be back in a minute"


After a while she came back with a cup of milk and some cookies which hadn't sugar and preservatives , it was the only cookies Sonia bought. Bev found Eddie crying so hard , she sat next to him and gave him a big hug.

"shhh! everything is fine" Beverly tried to calm him down but she wanted to cry too ,she couldn't forget what Connor was about to do to her.

"Beverly? why is that happen to me ? I feel like i was wrong! Richie told me some things he was sad ,he was feeling pain . I am responsible for this pain , i hurt the one who i friend. Maybe Connor is better for him , maybe he worth him better"

"Don't ever , EVER , say something like that for this disrespectful awful monster. If Richie felt bad he had to tell us and not find someone else who hurt his friends"

"But particle he didn't hurt anyone , i think that i was the one who were overacting "

Beverly started crying.


She described Eddie what had happened with Connor.


"This son of a bitch. If i ever catch him , he will pay for that..." he exclaimed

"Yeah, he is bad and you are the best guard I've ever had ,but you have to rest your mind from all the annoying things ok?" she said in a sweet and cheerful tone.

After a while Eddie fell asleep.  It was dawn , so Bev wasn't afraid to return to her house.

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