Chapter 3

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"WHAT THE FUCK?" Eddie screamed

"what happened Eddie ?" Beverly asked

Eddie pointed on Richie who was sitting in the grass

"What is he doing here?" Beverly was freaked out

"i don't know but we will learn.." Eddie said and tried to go straight to Richie but Stanley grab his arm .

" Eddie stop , clam down! maybe he has got a personal matter and he wants to think about it otherwise why he would be here alone? so i think that we have....." Stanley hadn't managed to finish his sentence when they saw a blonde, curly hair guy , not that tall and not that thin too , who went and sat next to Richie.

Eddie's mind was clouded. He didn't know who he is. He didn't know what he was doing with his friend. He was so angry. Where did he meet that kid? and why he is "leaving" them for him? He was about to go to Richie again, but this time Bill gabbed his arm .

"S-s-stop Eddie i-i know that h-he be-be-behaved like an a-asshole but maybe this k-kid is h-...." Bill didn't finished his sentence by choice. He saw Eddie's sad look and he let him go.

" Since when do dentists offer their services to assholes who are sitting in the park?" Eddie said

"OMG EDS! you scared me..." Richie said

"Who's that?" The boy said

"i don't know who i am for Richie the only thing i know is that I am not his dentist for sure" Eddie said to the boy and addressed again to Richie.

"So, did you lose your way to your appointment?" Eddie asked Richie

The other losers were just standing speechless next to Eddie

"You won't believe what happened to me..." Richie said

"let's try"

"so i went the dentist earlier...because...because i wanted to make an appointment for another day to manage come to the meeting...but...but i couldn't... so the only thing i could do is postponed the appointment for later today...but...but..." Richie stopped

"yeah , you are right. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!"

"OK fine.." Richie said

"you shouldn't have lied to us Richie" Beverly said

"Yeah , he should had said that ' i'm sorry guys but i'm leaving you for a stranger with curly hair ' " Eddie said and then he continued "It's not something personal i guess...i'm mainly angry his this asshole" he said to the boy and pointed Richie.

"This asshole is my friend" The boy said

"HAHAHA he was supposed that be my friend too"

"Eddie calm down" Stanley said when he saw Eddie's sad eyes

"Ok Eds i'm completely sorry! sit right here" Richie said offering him his position

" i will explain you everything but stay here for a minute ok?" Richie said something to Bill's ears and they went a little bit further . Stan and Bev followed them and now Eddie was sitting next to that boy .

Eddie couldn't realize why he was so dramatic the previous minutes. Something was so painful in the scene of Richie and another boy.

"My name is Connor by the way" the boy said

"Oh i'm Eddie, so how long have you known Richie?"

"Not much only a summer now we were playing street fighters together you know.."

Eddie stayed speechless Richie usually asked him to go and play street fighters, but Eddie didn't ever go .

"Listen i didn't want to steal him from you"


"Yeah? i meant, i didn't want to steal your friend"

"You didn't steal him"

"But he hangs out with me now" Connor said

"Oh don't worry . Richie is going through a phase that will be over, in some days, for sure" Eddie said he stood up and went close to the others who were discussing about something

"Oh Eds" Richie said

"What's going on guys" Eddie said to Bev , Stan and Bill ignoring Richie

"S-so..." Bill started talking "R-R-Richie t-told us about C-C-Connor and we-we...i-i-I mean.... R-R-Richie did.. .d-decided t- to m-make a m-meeting in s-s-someone's house f-f-for us t-to m-meet C-C-Connor"

"Seriously?" Eddie said

"Eds i know that i didn't treat all of you guys right...We are the Losers , I'm an idiot. I'm sorry! Eds please can you give another chance to your little asshole" Richie said doing a sad face

"Ahhhh...of course i can , i always do" Eddie said

"ok so meeting at your house tomorrow night to get to know Connor better"


"Thank you Eds you are the best spaghetti I've ever met" Richie aborted him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"DON'T CALL ME EDS" Eddie yelled with big smile on his face

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