Chapter 3: Underaged Drinking

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(I had to add this song! For the first part HAhaha 😂😂❤️)

You excitedly shriek as Midoriya turns around handing you the bottle. You excitingly take a big swig. You shiver, gasping. Some of the wine comes out of the corner of your mouth. Midoriya leans in, licking it. You jump. "We don't want wine spilling on your dress." How about I give you something of mine to wear?" You nod, he walks into his closet pulling out gym shorts and a loose tanktop, he hands it to you. You walk into the closet.

Midoriya takes a swig and glares at Bakugo who is obviously pissed. "What was that about Deku" he clenched his fists. "Well we don't want her getting trouble do we?" Bakugo crosses his arms. "I guess.." he grumpily looks away.

You come out, arms crossed covering the sides of your breasts with your hands. "I-Izuku do you have a different shirt.. this is embarrassing.." he hands you the bottle to distract you. "Here ago." You raise an eyebrow confused, but take another swig. "But yeah the shirt."

"What's wrong with it?" He smirks. "U-uh well.." he tilts his head. "I.. well it's really long on the sides.. I can see the sides of my.." you cover your face embarrassed. "B-breasts.." He peeks over. "Y/N, they aren't. You're fine. But if it bothers you—" he hands you a large hoodie. Wear this the to cover up."

You nod and pull It over your head. You flop the sleeves around. "I feel so cuuute!" He smiles down at you. "That's because you are." He hands you bottle. You take another large swig. "You know after a while you get used to the burn.. after taking a sip it becomes smoother the more you drink it" you gulp down a couple swigs. Bakugo quickly takes the bottle away from you. "Hey dumbass, you need to take a break. It's going to hit you fast and your gonna get sick take your time, Deku stop giving her the fucking bottle."

You grumpily cross your arms as you hiccup, face flushed red. "Well I didn't know that..and don't blame Izuku! He's just being nice.." he stares down at you. "I don't like you wearing his stuff. Take it off." You stare at him bewildered scooting away from him. "I'm keeping them on weirdo, I can't just be walking around without clothes."

You huff and walk over to Midoriya laying your head on his chest. "Izuku.. why is so hot.. in here" he looks down at you. "Probably because your wearing a sweater." You put your arms up. "Help me take it off.." you whine. He pulls it off of you, laying it on a chair. You throw your arms around him.

"Broccoli boy—" he stares at you. "Yes?" You giggle,jumping up and wrapping your legs around him. "Koala!" He quickly tucks an arm under you to keep you from falling. You jump a bit as you feel his hand grasp your butt.

Bakugo grumbles as he chugs the bottle looking away. "I-Izuku!" He looks up at you. "Sorry I didn't mean too, I was just adjusting my arm, so I could make sure I had a good grip on you." You stare at him and see him smirk. you softly hit his chest. "Pervert" You giggle.

He laughs, then looks over at Bakugo. "Didn't you just tell Y/N not to drink so fast. Bakugo puts the bottle down stumbling towards you two. "Shut up you damn Nerd.." he throws a pillow at him but just ends up hitting you in the back of the head.

"H-hey what was that for!" Midoriya covers your mouth. "Shh, Y/N Don't yell, you and Bakugo are noticeably drunk. You don't want to get caught do you?" You look at Bakugo. "Yeah he is, but what do you mean I'm drunk?" He puts you down gently into your feet. "Walk to the bed." You blush. "W-why?"

"Just do it, it's to prove a point" you walk to the bed but you stumble the whole way almost falling over. "...okay, I might be.. a little bit." You flop onto the floor. He looks down at you. "You okay?" You roll onto your back looking up at him. "..I want some water" he sighs and stares at Bakugo then you.

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