Chapter 1 - I'm Not Your Toy

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Perth Apichart stared at the dry erase board filled with diagrams of DNA and the breakdown of a cell but was completely lost. Each diagram had a missing piece that the students were supposed to supply. He scratched at the back of his head, a tell tale sign he got frustrated and tried writing it down as if that would make it make more sense but all he saw was gibberish of his own making. His wolffish handsome face was face of consternation. His large dark eyes closed in thought. His round nose flared as he let out a breath.

Sighing in frustration he looked a few seats over and saw Lei was steadily writing answers to the pop quiz. The glasses wearing Star Student was living up to the title. Dressed in crisp white button down with the emerald green tie of the 2nd years, and black slacks which was the private University dress code, he took extra care everything he wore looked perfect. While Perth, the star of the school Soccer Team wore his shirt with a few wrinkles and no tie, his pants were black jeans in his eyes they were close enough. He frowned and had an idea, crumbling up his paper into a tight small ball he aimed and was about to throw it when Lei looked directly at him.

Perth froze, staring at the glaring face behind the black framed glasses. Lei mouthed the words (Do your test) and went back to writing. Moments later a ball of paper bounced off his cheek. Lei stood with his hands on his hips and shouted "Perth!?!" And Perth looked up from his newly started answer page looking like a deer caught in high beams.

Lei looked confused and Perth shared his confusion both turned to look behind Perth where a blushing smiling girl waved at him. Lei waved back trying to laugh off the embarrassment as their classmates snickered. Perth's eyes widened incredulously and he turned back to the girl and glared. In response she rolled her eyes. Lei being the smartest in their year was only one of the reasons so many admired him. Lei's face is beautiful with large almond shaped eyes that were a mix of green with bits of amber brown beneath a pair of long dark eyebrows. He has a long nose with a rounded end above a Cupid's bow mouth. He even has a limber swimmer's body.

The loud sound of a wooden ruler hitting the desk brought everyone's eyes forward. Their teacher, a graceful older woman with long blond hair pulled back in a French braid wasn't pleased with the outburst. She folded her slender arms over her ample chest and purses her blue lips.

"Mister Bai, are you finished with your pop quiz?!" Miss Cecil asked in a slow menacing voice

"No Miss C," Lei said as he sat back down. Within seconds she had snatched his paper and spoke.

"Yes, you are now, so leave. Come back when you can keep in your seat and keep quiet," Miss Cecil said and when he opened his mouth to speak, a raised eyebrow from her caused him to shut his lips and leave in a hurry.

"Miss C it wasn't his fault he was provoked!" Perth explained and she didn't bother picking up his near blank paper and pointed at the door. Perth was buzzing with anger and wanted to say more but the look on her face was deadly. Looking down in defeat, he noticed the white canvas messanger bag beside Lei's seat. He knew it was his because it had a human heart picture done in rainbow watercolor across the flap.

"Is there a reason you're still here?" Miss Cecil shouted. That snapped him out of his revelry and he nodded at her and moved between seats and students to grab the bag and head toward the door. He moved swiftly, his large brown eyes searching the hall for Lei but he was already gone.

"Knowing that geek, he's probably off somewhere crying over this. I doubt he's ever been in real trouble before..." Perth thought, anxiety growing as he took out his old iPhone and placed a call. The bag vibrated and cursing, he reached inside and dug around a bit before finding the sleek new sky blue Oppo phone. He looked at the screen and was shocked to see the contact photo was of him sleeping in class. Perth frowned at the photo, it wasn't a good one. His mouth had drool on it, and he looked like a dog passed out.

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