001. pilot pt 1

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SEATED IN THE BACK OF SOME GUY HE'D ALREADY FORGOTTEN THE NAME OF'S car, lucas watched the guys around him. all laughing about the dumbest shit. he was positive this was their first if not second time smoking weed and even after hitting the blunt multiple times lucas was more than likely the most sober out of everyone.

they found him walking down the sidewalk earbuds in and a cigarette burning between his lips. at first when the truck had slowly pulled up beside him, lucas kept walking his hand reaching towards the pocket knife buried in his jean pocket. retracting it when the driver rolled down the window asking if he wanted a ride to the party, a party he had no idea about but hey.

after accepting the offer, a possibly dumb decision on his part. he'd hopped in the back sending his dad a text lying that he'd met some people and they were going out to eat. now here he was on his way to a strangers house to party, not that it was out of the ordinary for him.

feeling a buzz in his pocket, lucas pulled out his phone squinting slightly at the bright light before reading the text from his father. je vous fais confiance pour vous, d'être en sécurité. the text caused a little pang of guilt to manifest in his chest though the boy took another hit, instantly numbing the feeling.

"so where are you from dude?" one of the guys questioned blowing out a puff of smoke and turning to look at lucas.

"well originally france but new york."

"holy shit, so you're like foregin." the driver commented laughing at the end of his sentence. lucas couldn't help but to laugh along and soon the entire car was full of laughter from the high teens.

once the laughter died down and the radio was turned back up, a feeling of nostalgic sadness overtook his body. memories of spending time with his old friends, more so spending time with skylar filled his mind. he hadn't gotten to say goodbye or thank you or even sorry to her. him being taken to the hospital and her being taken to jail for drug possession charges.

even though neither one of them ever said it out loud, there was something deeper between the two. something more than just being drug buddies who occasionally slept together. and now here lucas was free and heading to party whilst skylar sat behind bars.

pulling himself away from his thoughts lucas's eyes watched as the house came into view. he'd had enough of feeling sad, nostalgic, and guilty so with a quick breathe he and the rest of the group hopped out and headed in. the curly headed boy preparing himself to get lost in drugs and alcohol, like the classic lucas he was.

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