“History always changes.” Violet replies. “We’re making history now.” She sits down and pleads, “Please sit back here with me.”

Chloe rolls her eyes and sits next to her wife and watches as the class quickly builds up once the late bell rings. Once the teacher was done with his speech on how this year was going to be a great year Chloe pulled her history book out ready for her lecture. She turns towards Violet noticing the wolf was very quiet.

“Babe?” she questions but doesn’t get an answer making her look up from her book to see Violet asleep. She rolls her eyes and lets the wolf sleep.

When first period was finally over and the teacher was finish lecturing Violet on how she shouldn’t sleep in class they was heading to second period. Violet looks at her schedule and growls. She and Chloe only had two classes and lunch together. She chews on her lip and runs her hand through her hair hoping she wouldn’t kill anybody today. Chloe was the only one who could keep her in place.

Chloe smirks, “I will not be far honey.”

Violet rolls her eyes and walks Chloe to her class. She notices all the boys in the hall staring at Chloe and watching her with lust. She hated Chloe had to put on a skirt. Once at Chloe door Violet grabs the back of her head and pulls her into an endearing kiss. It starts slow until Violet nibbles on Chloe lip entering her tongue making the witch moan. She squeezes Chloe hips pulling her closer while their tongues connect. The kiss then slow down and they pull back. Violet stares at Chloe noticing the witch was in a daze. She smirks and kisses Chloe on the forehead and says, “See you later.”

Chloe jumps out of her naughty thoughts and then pulls Violet back towards her and asks, “What was that for?”

The bell interrupts Violet making Chloe frown. The alpha laughs pecking Chloe on the lips and says, “I got to go.”

Chloe watches Violet walk away and then heads into her class. She sits in the front and notice this was English one of her favorite subjects. She notices everyone was staring at her. She looks down at her paper not paying attention to anyone. Five minutes later during the teacher lecture a boy whispers, “So you and the other hot girl are like a couple.”

Chloe rolls her eyes and replies, “Yes.”

“That’s hot.” The boy speaks. “I never thought anyone as beautiful as you could want another girl.”

Chloe hisses angrily, “I never thought anyone as ugly as you could even label yourself.”

The boy frowns and then snaps, “Fuck you slut.”

Chloe had enough she punches the boy in the face immediately breaking his nose. She stands grabs her books and says, “Pathetic bastard.”

“Chloe office now!” the teacher screams. “You go to the nurse.”

The class was still laughing when Chloe walked out with the rude boy struggling to keep up. She burst through the doors and then sits in the waiting sit. The principle calls her in and she slowly begins to feels guilty once the anger goes away. She never got in trouble in school before. It was always Violet who couldn’t control her anger. Speaking of Violet she hoped the alpha wouldn’t find out she would destroy the poor boy for his comment. She gulps when the principal finally speaks, “Chloe your records are clean. Could you explain to me what happen?”

“He called me a slut and talked bad about me and my girlfriend relationship.” Chloe explains. “I’m sorry I do not know what came over me.”

The principals tosses Chloe file and asks while picking up her glass of water, “Well who is this special girl.”

“Violet Randers.” Chloe replies and jumps when water is spit all over the principal’s desk.

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