Dawn Of Justice.

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"The jury on the behalf of all the evidences, documents, videos and speech summoned in the court from April 2019 to May 2020 declares the suspect Mr

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"The jury on the behalf of all the evidences, documents, videos and speech summoned in the court from April 2019 to May 2020 declares the suspect Mr.Lee guilty of sexual assault under article 21, section 354 1997.
Accused Mr. Lee is delegated to 11 years of imprisonment under article 21, section 354a. The imprisonment has been extended to 15 years 8 months under the Act of stalking and contempt to court and forging fake evidences under article 21, section 354d and article 129 and 215 respectively.
The court is adjourned."

Finally the justice fancied hardwood gavel was struck against the sound block declaring that at the end of dusk and beginning of dawn justice shall prevail in the world forever.

The court room emptied gradually as the police handcuffed accused Mr. Lee or now known as criminal Mr. Lee and dragged him out of the court room. A rush of all mixed emotions bottled up in for so long slowly took over me as a curve formed on my lips while a tear or two escaped my eyes. I won the case.

It had been a year on this case, the case of - The state vs. Jung Y/N. On 8th April 2019, my childhood best friend Jenna went missing. Actions were duly taken and she was found in an old barn outside the city after 5 days of reporting her absence. After rushing to the hospital and admitting her in ICU, the doctors said there was not long enough time left due to severe lack of nutrition and injuries she had. I had approached her in her last times of her short-span life and questioned her injuries and absence.
In result, she filled me with heart breaking news that she was sexually abused by her ex boyfriend,
Lee Jeong - Seok and also physically harmed by him. Her last wish was Justice, for him to be proved guilty in front of the world.
It was today, I won the case for her.
One of the biggest cases in the history of Seoul and the judicial profession.
Finally justice was served to her soul today but there was something yet left, something unknown.

As I stepped outside the legal jurisdiction administration, small droplets of water dropped all over in a smooth motion

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As I stepped outside the legal jurisdiction administration, small droplets of water dropped all over in a smooth motion. The droplets of water were pure and affectionate like Jenna's soul, she was the purest and the most cheerful soul I had known. Even the most simplest actions of her could make anyone smile everyday. Her innocent doe eyes with such a warm gaze that it can melt a frozen heart. Even after being so pure and innocent she got something she never deserved.

Returning back home I felt worthy, I felt accomplished

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Returning back home I felt worthy, I felt accomplished. Since the incident all those night were sleepless, there was no peace. All I lived was angst
and a mix of emotions, I lived in a trance, afraid of losing the case, afraid of letting down Jenna's expectations, her last wish, afraid of not being able to serve her with the justice she deserves.

But today was different, finally there was content, happiness, peace, in other words I felt free from the burden I had been in for the past year.

But today was different, finally there was content, happiness, peace, in other words I felt free from the burden I had been in for the past year

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After a long day I was finally at home.
Eagerly waiting for the love of my life, after all the mixed emotions that had been bottled up in me I was not feeling stable. I needed his embrace to cry my heart out or jump around in happiness or tell him the words of jury today or tell him that my actions in the past year were finally rewarded. All I needed right now was his shoulder to rest my head on and drift off to sleep in his arms.

After what felt like hours but was just some minutes, the door to my gloomy room opened as the latch parted it's ways from the frame on the door, he was there standing near the door, smiling.
Even though my room was dark I could still admire his features, his symmetrical face which I love to see every morning, beautiful dark eyes which are like an ocean I can drown in forever, his contagious smile which makes me smile with him.

Even though my room was dark I could still admire his features, his symmetrical face which I love to see every morning, beautiful dark eyes which are like an ocean I can drown in forever, his contagious smile which makes me smile with him

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My love, Hoseok. Jung Hoseok.

"Y/n I saw you on the television today. You won the case love. You won the case for Jenna!"

He exclaimed in his cheery voice while running over to me and hugging me. This was all I needed after a heavy day, his embrace.
He broke the hug slowly and looked at my face. A wash of concern took over his face as he glanced at me.

"Jagi have you been crying?"

He asked all concerned and worried.

"It nothing love. Don't worry. I was just overwhelmed by emotions after the case."

I explained him reassuring I was okay.

"Don't cry jagi, let's go to the club and enjoy your victory hm?"


I agreed to go to club with him. A small celebration won't harm, right?——————————————————

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