Together... forever?

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Midoriya's POV

Some people think im a masochist. Why? Because whenever I end up becoming injured by my quirk (or intentionally) I look rather happy. My excuse is that "I want to be a hero that always has a smile on their face even in the worst situations" .... but nobody, and I mean nobody, knows of my real reason for being happy.

You see it all started with my Hero Basic Training lesson with All Might....


I just beat Kacchan and Iida in combat training, but to do so I used one for all at 100% which I still can't master. I'm now on a stretcher being wheeled to the infirmary by mini robots, and with the help of Recovery Girl I'm placed on a hospital bed. Not just any hospital bed. The most beautiful hospital bed I had ever laid my eyes on. The smooth sheets were enough to make me blush. The natural light coming through the window only further accentuated the bed's features.

"what is this feeling, so sudden and new"

End of Flashback

Still Midoriya's POV

Ever since that fateful day, I purposely injured myself so I can spend my lunch breaks visiting Bed-chan because I wanted to find out what the overwhelming feeling of comfort that I get around her is.

Many nights consisted of me overthinking about what this feeling could be .... I finally came to the conclusion that I may have a tiny (massive) crush on her. I can't help it, I just want to run my fingers along her silken mattress, press my cheek to her cool velvet pillows, wrap my body in her thick and irresistibly soft comforter. But I can't, because I could never tell her my true feelings.


Right now, I 'accidentally used a high percentage of OFA' and broke my arm so I can see Bed-chan again 'I hope she wants to see me as much as I want to see her'......

Bed-chan's POV

Recovery Girl left the office in a rush mumbling "that boy doesn't know when to stop, ill be having a word with Toshinori later" (RIP Toshinori, death by Recovery Girl's wrath) so that must mean that my Izu-chan is coming over. You might find it strange but I have taken quite the liking to this human boy. Ever since he first got injured and laid on top of me I knew it was fate, I knew that we were meant to be.

I want him to caress me while whispering sweet nothings into my sheets, but that would never happen considering that im just a mere bed while he's my beautiful cinnamon baby. Just thinking about him makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Recovery Girl came in with a shirtless Izuku, and let me tell you his abs and v-line are a godly sight. I would let him top me any day if it means that I get to feel his rock hard abs on my sheets.

She placed Izu-chan on a different hospital bed but he refused and said "Recovery Girl? if it's no bother can I lay on bed cha-  I M-MEAN MY USUAL H-HOSPITAL BED?!"

Recovery Girl's POV

'what a strange child'

" Of course, whatever you feel most comfortable with" I say while sweat dropping.

Bed-chan's POV

As soon as Recovery Girl said that he wasted no time to jump on top of me and start cuddling with my blankets.

After a while of cuddling, Uraraka came barging into the room to see how MY Izu-chan was doing. "Deku,are you ok? I was so worried about you!" I feared that she would take him away from me. But just as doubts were filling my mind Izuku snapped me out of my thoughts by saying "sorry Uraraka, I'm fine but im not in the mood for visitors right now" Uraraka was taken aback by his tone of voice as she took a step back and slowly made her way to the door but not before mumbling a small "get well soon Deku..."

Midoriya's POV

Now that Uraraka's gone I can finally go back to what I originally wanted to do.....

🧚‍♀️warning, mature content up ahead// skip if you don't like it 🧚‍♀️

I looked at Bed-chan with lustful eyes as I started to take off my pants so that I was only left in my All Might boxers. I slowly started laying on top of her and started caressing her mattress. I looked at her and she made no indication for me to stop , so I continued to try and make her feel good. Taking it to the next step, I took off my boxers to reveal my 6 inches and then went under the covers.
At first, I slowly started with pressing my abdomen onto the bed, and I swear I felt Bed-chan get warmer 'does that mean she likes what I'm doing?'

I pick up the pace and begin grinding on her sleek mattress. The more I grind on her, the more aroused I became and let my lewd noises slip out of my mouth.

My left hand travels up and down her springy mattress, while my other hand strokes my member to the sight of her.

"You're beautiful" I try to say as seductively as I could.

I began thrusting and grinding harder as I could feel a tight knotting in my lower stomach so I knew I was close to my climax.
"B-Bed-chan nghh~ I-I'm c-close !" I struggle to get out through my moans and grunts.

Without hesitation, I get out from under the covers and release my thick liquids all over her.

When I came down from my high, I wiped her down and changed her sheets.

🧚‍♀️mature content over🧚‍♀️

After I dressed Bed-chan, I collapsed my weary body on top of her and snuggled into her covers so I could smell her delicious scent.

"Bed-chan.... I have something I want to tell you, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. I-I'm in love with you. I have been ever since the first time I got sent to the infirmary. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I instantly knew that you were the one I want. The one that I want to love, the one I want to protect, the one I want to grow old with.... I know I'm just a boy and you're just a Hospital bed and the odds are against us but... I believe that we can overcome anything if it's just you and me

Together forever"

                            THE END



Recovery Girl had went into early    retirement as she needs to continuously bleach her eyes to remain holy.

Toshinori got beat up by recovery girl
(press F to pay respects).

Someone in the infirmary witnessed Midoriya and reported him.

Midoriya now goes to mandatory therapy sessions.

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