As for the nightmare, I’ve been to so many doctors in the past years, they all they same, there’s no explanation for my symptoms, much less a cure. Every night I dreamed a life, a life that I’d never wish on anyone. A life of loneliness, abandonment, and pain. Some have suggested that maybe its reincarnation, but how silly is that? I know unbelievable right? Sometimes late at night I wondered, maybe if their theories were true, and I was just dreaming of a past life.

I feel an arm sling around my shoulders.

“Hey hot stuff.” I blush at Chad’s comment even though I know for a fact that he’s joking. He goes for the dark brooding types, and I am not dark and brooding, in fact I don’t know what I am. Why was I even thinking about this first of all?

“Hey sexy beast.” I say playing along. We get to our lockers, but before we detach our linked arms we hear the flash of a camera.

“I knew you two would come to you sense,” Mandy, our friend squeals-she’s a gay relationships fan girl to put it shortly. “ And Kyle, I definitely knew that after a while you would come out of the closet. You two are just too cute.”

We both give her looks of bewilderment as she keeps rambling about how amazing this new ‘relationship’ is. I slap my hand over her mouth before she gets a chance to say more. She licks my hand, and winks. Ewwww.

“First of Mandy, despite the weird twisted world you live in, me and Chad, we still aren’t ,and will never be in a relationship, besides I’m in love with Fawn-“

“Aw. Hey Kyle I overheard my name, why are you talking about me?”

I grab her hand romantically, “Darling, I’m just telling them how much I love you, and how I’d never go for Chad.” I didn’t mean to diss Chad in front of the ‘person of interest’, but what else could I have said, with out making both parties uncomfortable.

Chad slams his locker- causing everyone to look at him- and he storms away. I want to chase after him and apologize, but Fawn’s grip on my hand tightens, as she and Mandy seem to be having a staring contest. Mandy breaks away first knowing that it’s not worth it. She- Mandy- follows Chad as he rounds a corner.

“So baby, I’m sorry about yesterday. I don’t know exactly why I should be, but I am. Now if you want to have a re-do after school, I’m definitely up for it.” Fawn say looking up at me with her big seductive chocolate brown eyes.

“No I’m sorry, I had no idea she was going to be home so early, and she usually never is. I’d be up for a re-do… but today I have to go to a charity event, and then I have soccer practice after school.” I tell her, asking for forgiveness- that I know isn’t necessary- with my eyes.

“Sure, I have cheerleading tryouts anyways.” She says brushing it off, although I can see that she’s disappointed. I mean who doesn’t want to get with Kyle Rynes? The answer is: everyone. I also know that Fawn is making excuses as to not feel rejected. She’s been captain of the cheerleading team for two years, and I have a feeling that this year is not going to change anything.

Chad’s POV (that’s right we are changing points of view people!)

“Mandy, I just can’t stand seeing him with that whore, she doesn’t deserve him.” I sigh, as she corners me in the corner.

“Well maybe he’d give her up, if you told him the truth.”

I play dumb,” And that would be…?”

“That you love him dumb@ss!”

“Oh yeah, I should totally just go up to him and be all, ‘hey how’s it going? Yeah your girlfriend annoys me. Not in the mutual sense, but I’m jealous and I want to be the only one in your life.’ And then he’ll break up with his girlfriend, and we’ll go walking into the sunset holding hand,” I take in Mandy’s expression as I pause, and she looks like what I’m saying is possible, “Well I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but Kyle’s feelings will never be returned in the way that I’d like them to.”

“Yeah well you don’t see the way he looks at you, when you aren’t watching, and ogling him.”

This again!

“Is that all you can ever say? I mean at this point I don’t even know if he looks at me and maybe it’s in disgust… because I’m gay.”

Mandy’s face softens at my self pity.

“You know that’s not true. You two have been friends since 6th grade, and nothing, can, and ever will change that.”

“Exactly Mandy, so when I tell him, and he doesn’t except that I love him, then what? We probably won’t even be friends, and I could never deal with that.” A world without Kyle…I just can’t even imagine how dull it would be.

“Okay, this conversation is not over, so please let’s go, and patch things up with Kyle.” Mandy says, leading me back to out lockers. Once we arrive there both Fawn, and Kyle are gone.

“Also Mandy, could you send that  picture of me and Kyle to my phone?”

“Of course.” She replies with a smile on my face.

Only she would actually imagine what I’d do with that picture; late at night.


I am addicted to this story, I just started typing, and could not stop. Also this going to end up being a boyxboy. And if you’re wondering who’ll end up with Kyle....well you’ll just have to read on.

(Pic of Fawn à) you never know how lone you’ll see her J so tell me what you think

Let the Rope Take Me (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now