Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I Know Why

I wake up to Cameron on saying Holly suppers ready.

"ughhhh five more minutes".

"no holly now".

"Cameron c'mon five minutes''.

The next thing I know he picks me up and carries me downstairs. He plops me down on the couch.

"holly are you ok".


"well here is some pizza".

"thanks". I say rolling my eyes.

Cameron sits beside me and says "I'm taking you to the doctors tomorrow".

"why I don't need to go Cam I'm fine really".

"I don't care you seem pretty sick so need to go".

"No trust me I'm fine".

"I wanna make sure you re ok though".


I start to eat my pizza and I looked at the time. Ten o'clock Holy Crap.

I put our plates away and sit on the couch with cameron.

"hey you look tired baby".

"yea I am".

Cameron picks my up in his arms and carries me up the stairs bridal style. He places me in the bed and says good night baby sleep tight.

"you too".

He gives me a kiss on the lips as he walks out of the room.

I fall asleep straight as my head hits the pillow.

I hear Cameron get out of the bed but I feel so sick so I try to fall back asleep. I can't fall asleep so I get up. I get up to quickly and then everything is spinning.

I grab the bed trying to stable myself.


I hear Cameron running up the stairs.

"holly what's wrong" he says bursting into the room.

"I'm so dizzy".

He helps me stand up until finally the dizziness has passed.

"and that is why you are going to the doctors soon right".

"yes I'm going to the docters".

"good go get dressed and we will go soon okay".


I walk into the closet and grab some shorts and a tank-top. I put my hazel hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs.

I walk into the pantry and grab some Cheerios. Cameron hands me a bowl as I pour some in.


"yea no problem". He says smiling and handing me the carton of milk.

"thanks again".

"your welcome". He says as we both start laughing.

I grab my cereal and sit down at the table. Cameron comes and sits down next to me. He grabs the news paper and looks at the sports section.

"how's the sports".

"ok but our city's football team is dead last".

"oh well thats not good".

"yea we suck".

"what time are we going to the doctors at".

"umm we are going at eleven o'clock, is that ok with you".

"yea it sounds good".

"what time is it now".

"nine thirty".

"when are we leaving".

"at ten fifteen".


I get up and walk upstairs and grab my book to read.

" Cam I'm going outside to read for a little while".

"yea no problem I'll call you when we're going".


I walk out into the back yard and lay down in the middle of the grass. I read a bit of my book until something hits me. Maybe I Had Food Poisoning.

I leave my book on the ground and I run inside to tell Cameron.

"Cam I think I have food poisoning".

"why do you think that".

"because after the omelet you made me I started to feel sick".

"are you sure".

"or-or maybe it was the pizza".

"Holly calm down your stressing over this to much".

He pulls me in for a hug as he whispers to me everything is going to be ok.

"I'm going upstairs for a minute ok".

"yea no problem but you only have five minutes".


I run up the stairs into our washroom. I open the cabinet to put on some makeup. I look in the cabinet and I flip out.


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