You summoned it onto your (Right or left hand whichever you prefer) and looked it at for a second

(Y/n): I don't know. It's another power I may give it to someone in the group who may need it more than I do.

You said making the sacred gear disappear then you heard footsteps behind you so you turned to see Kiba walking towards you and Ace.

(Who should the Sacred Gear go to? Ace, Eri, Talon, Black, or keep it)

Kiba: I'm sorry to intrude but I need to talk to (Y/n)

(Y/n): What happened, Kiba?

Kiba: The building you told us about is in ruin. It was destroyed.

The three of you ran ahead to see the building was completely destroyed.

Black: Who could've done this?

Talon: And where are we going to stay now?

(Y/n): Grab what you can from the rubble. Once we're done I have a place where we could stay and keep a low profile for the time being.


After everyone got what they could from the rubble. They gathered around you. You saw one of Eri's teddy bears and you grabbed it. Still, on a knee, you gave her the bear and patted her head making her smile.

Ace: That's his life.

Angela: Huh? What do you mean?

Ace: No matter how destructive, angry, or pissed off he gets he won't let anything bad happen to her. Eri is his soft spot which could be a good and bad thing in the future.

Ace watched Eri climb onto his back and he smiled at the scene.

Angela looked at Ace and she smiled to see him smile

(Y/n): I know a good place where we can lay low for the time being and we just relax for now.

Talon: Are we going to walk there? My feet hurt from everything we've done so far

D.C. hit Talon over the head making him fall to the ground

(Y/n): Thank you D.C., and to answer your question Talon, no we're not going to walk there.

You made your wings appear and you put Eri on your back. Everyone else did the same while Talon sighed in relief.

Talon: Finally. I can't remember the last time we all flew somewhere.

He said stretching he then made his wings appear

(Y/n): Let's go.

You started flying then everyone else started to follow you

-TimeSkip while flying in the air-

Kiba caught up to you and was flying next to you

(Y/n): What's up Kiba? Something wrong?

Kiba: No I'm just glad to be back on the same side as you. Look (Y/n) I wish I could've done something to sto-

(Y/n): Kiba. It's fine I don't blame you for what they did. They made me stronger and opened my eyes to the world Kiba. They made me who I am now.

Kiba: Do you regret it? Killing Issei, do you regret it?

(Y/n): Not one bit. He deserved everything that was coming to him and if I could I would do it again. Over and over and over again. Also what really wanted to make you switch Kiba.

Kiba: Honestly (Y/n) it wasn't the same, everything kept getting worse and worse for everyone who wasn't Issei. Asia didn't want Issei, she wanted you and she still wants you. I'm sure Koneko and Akeno know the mistake that they made and they wish to take it back.

(Y/n): *Sighs* I know they do Kiba. But the thing is if they really and truly loved me then they wouldn't have done everything that they did. It's hard to forget things like that Kiba, but I'm glad to have you on my team. I'm sure you'll be happier here than you would've been staying with Rias.

The two of you still held a conversation but both of you didn't notice is that both of you were being watched. The strange person watching you made a call to their boss.

???: I see them, boss. permission to attack?

Boss: No return to the underworld and reunite with the rest of the team. We have a meeting with the devil king.

???: But boss we'll lose them if-

Boss: Return to the underworld now.

???: Yes sir understood.

The call ended and the stranger went to the underworld

-In the Underworld-

Sirzechs was sitting on the throne waiting for his hired help to arrive

???: So I found out where they are just not where they are headed as of yet

The stranger said, appearing out of the shadows making Sirzechs look his way.

Sirzechs: When did you arrive?

???: I let myself in now you want this kid dead for murdering the Red Dragon Emperor

Sirzechs: Indeed, he needs to be killed imm-

???: Don't rush me. You hired me to do something you can't do yourself. My team and I will do this my way and take our time. Not yours.

Sirzechs sat back on his throne silent

???: Sorry excuse for a Devil King.

The rest of the stranger's team showed up and waited for the stranger

???: When we finish this job I expect to be paid in full

The stranger left the room with his team and they went to do what they were paid to do.

-Back with you and your team-

You all landed in front of a decent-sized house that seemed to be in perfect condition.

Black: Boss I was expecting a little bit bigger

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Black: Boss I was expecting a little bit bigger.

(Y/n): It looks bigger inside and what did you really expect?

Talon: A mansion-

You and Ace just shook your head

(Y/n): Listen as much as I would love to take you all to a mansion we have to keep a low profile, living in a big mansion in the middle of nowhere I'm sure they would find us easily. That's why we're staying here in this house that's on the other side of town.

Ace: And he said the house looks bigger on the inside.

(Y/n): Alright enough of being outside, let's go inside and get set up.

You walked in the house first and everyone else followed you but you didn't know you were being watched by a certain fallen angel.
Okay I AM VERY very very sorry for the long wait and some of you might be mad at me and that's understandable but I love you all thank you for being very patient with me! I hope you guys like the chapter. Also thank @turingtested for helping me 

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