C H A P T E R 2

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Dinner went interesting. I sat at a table with Emily that also had Rose, Mal, and Lindsey at the table. But then there was Kelley O'Hara, Becky Sauerbrunn, and Alex Morgan at the table too. That made my nerves sky rocket. My leg was bouncing the entire team dinner, I barely made any eye contact, and I kept filling my mouth with food even though I felt like I was gonna puke. It was probably a horrible first impression. It was even worse when I introduced myself to the team. I got so nervous standing in front of the entire team. These were players that I looked up to. Now it was time for team bonding. This'll probably go even worse.

"Ready?" Mal asked as she stood by the door. Mal and I both stopped back at our room cause we both wanted to grab sweatshirts. Now we were headed to Tobin and Ash's room.

I just nodded as I followed her out of our and to Tobin and Ash's. We were the last ones there. Everyone else was already scattered around the room. Ash, Ali, and Pinoe were spread out on one bed while Emily, Rose, Sam, Lindsey, were crammed on the other bed. Mal jumped on the bed full of youngsters, making them all groan. I smiled at their childishness as I stayed standing in the room's entrance since I didn't know where to sit. I felt so awkward. I still didn't really know anyone here.

"Hey Raven, sit over here," I heard Tobin say from where she was sitting. She was sitting on the wall across the room, right underneath the window with Christen next to her. Christen scooted away from Tobin's side a little before patting the spot between her and Tobin. I could feel my nerves slowly starting to slip away. I carefully maneuvered my way through the maze of bodies.

"Thank you," I quietly whispered to the pair once I sat in between them. I still felt extremely nervous. Especially since I'm sitting right next to one of my biggest role models, Tobin Heath.

"Do we have a Tobin Heath fan here?" Megan asked from her spot on the bed. The room went quiet as everyone turned to look at me.

I felt myself blush as all of the people in the room looked at me. I looked to the ground before nodding my head slightly.

"Yes! She obviously knows who the best player on the team is!" Tobin cheered as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I let a small grin spread across my face as I looked up at Tobin. The team immediately started arguing over who the best player on the team was.

"We're always here if you need us, kid," Tobin whispered softly into my ear as she squeezed my shoulder softly. I felt another arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked to my left to see Christen looking at me with a soft smile.


We've been playing truth or dare for the past hour now, and it's been interesting. Mal had to act like a monkey and pull imaginary berries out of Carli's hair, I now know Pinoe's favorite sex position, and Kelley has to sit on Alex's lap for the rest of the game. I've been asked a few times, but I've only chosen truth. So far I've found a loopholes to their questions and haven't revealed anything.

"Raven, truth or dare?" Kelley asked me.

"Truth," I responded back.

"If you could date any professional athlete, who would it be?" she asked with a smirk. I immediately felt my cheeks go red for the millionth time today. They became even more red when I thought of the person.

"Jessie Fleming," I quietly mumbled as I looked down and played played with the drawstrings on my sweatpants.

"Awe, a Canadian has our Little Bird blushing!" Ash said, making me blush even more than I already am. I covered my hands over my face trying to hid my rosy chicks from my new teammates and their laughter.

"Hey Mal, you have Jessie's number right? You should totally set them up!" Pinoe cheered. I can't believe this was happening.

"Guys, leave her alone," Tobin said as Christen wrapped and pulled me into her side. Not gonna lie, she gives nice hugs.

The game went on for a another hour or two. I was asked a few more questions, but nothing was too bad. I felt pretty tired since I haven't slept much in the past 24 hours. I didn't sleep much on the plane ride from Lyon to Denver. And I got here at about 9 this mourning and I haven't had much of chance to sleep yet today. So yea, you could say I'm a little sleepy.

"I'm tired," I quietly mumbled to myself while I yawned. I felt my eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier by the second. I wasn't even paying attention to the game anymore. It felt like my head was becoming to heavy to hold up, so I just let it rest on Christen's shoulder since she was still right next to me with her arm around my shoulders. I let out another small yawn as I let my eyelids finally drift close.

I could've sworn I heard a few people awe, but I was to tired to care what they were looking at. I was to comfy to care right now.

"Goodnight Raven," I heard a soft voice say before I felt some gently kiss the top of my head, right above my forehead. Then I was out.


Author's Note:

So here's chapter 2. I thought I might as well post it since it's done. Again, sorry if it sucks.

Thanks again for reading it!

See ya later alligators.

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