one - a work of art

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summary: you meet spencer at an art gallery.

a/n: this ones a little short but once i get better ideas and more comfortable with writing they'll be longer.


As you stepped into the art gallery you could feel the cold air conditioning hitting you. You hadn't been here since you were a kid but you always loved gallery's even if you were alone.

You looked around taking in everything, the artwork, the people, and the quiet music playing throughout the building.

You walked around taking time looking at each piece of art, spending time trying to understand each and every single one.

Even though the gallery wasn't full there was still a good amount of people wandering through the large building. As you walked over to the next piece you found yourself standing next to a tall man who was in a trance looking at the artwork.

You felt him glance over at you a couple times but you paid no attention to it as you admired the painting.

Soon enough he walked on the next painting. What a shame, even though neither of you spoke you were getting quite used to his company.

You both caught each other staring and looking at one another every couple minutes from across the building. He was really attractive, God definitely spent his time on that man. You could say he was a work of art.

You were usually shy so you hoped he would say something to you next time you exchanged looks or stood next to each other admiring the artwork.

Soon enough you both were gazing at the same piece of art together.

"What do you think it means?" He kept his stare on the painting in front of you two.

"I don't really know, I thought I had it but I was probably wrong."

"You can't be wrong, whatever you see in a piece of art is right," your hands fidgeted with your necklace as you thought about the artwork in front of you. "So what do you see?"

"There's so much happening I was thinking the artist was trying to show how overwhelming life is." You looked up at him waiting for his response.

"And a minute ago you tried to tell me you interpreted the piece wrong, actually just from that I could tell a lot about who you are as a person."

"Then tell me about myself," he was taken back at the response, but nonetheless he was ready to profile you in seconds. Both of you turned your bodies to face each other in silence while he was writing up a profile in his head.

"I can tell that your an anxious person just from the fact that you're constantly playing with the charm on your necklace," you weren't that impressed yet, "and by the way you interpreted the painting I'd say you feel like life is too short and you don't have enough time to do everything you want."

Now you were impressed, that's how you had felt since your teen years, cause truthfully life was too short. You didn't respond to him, you just nodded and smirked.

"I could go on if you want me to." You pulled out your phone to check the time seeing how late it had became. You had to meet an old friend for lunch but oh how you wish you could stay and listen to him talk for the rest of the day.

"I actually have to run, but I'd love to hear more about myself over coffee maybe?" You instinctively played with your necklace while watching his face go from surprised to happy.

"Uh yeah that sounds great I'd love to." You handed him your phone and watched him add his contact. When he was done he handed the phone back to you.

"Well it was nice meeting you..." you looked down at the name of the new contact in your phone, "Spencer."

"It was nice meeting you as well..."

"y/n." You smiled and waved goodbye before heading out of the art gallery.

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