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I always thought brown was an underrated colour. Like, what colour do you think chocolate is? Blue?!No! It's warm and brown and beautiful. However in this moment, I resent the colour more than my own mother.

I stare bullet holes into the principle's brown blazered back as he walks me to my first
lesson of the day, English. Apparently, my uncle couldn't trust me enough to get to my classroom without ditching, and therefore had 'kindly' asked the principle to escort me to the first lesson which isn't actually the first lesson. You see, I kind of wandered around for the first lesson until someone found me. This is the second lesson of the day. Fucking amazing.

If he wasn't housing me I would've thrown a temper tantrum as soon as those words had flown out the headteacher's mouth.

I walk slowly with great annoyance, as Mr Hendricks babbles on about how amazing the school is and all that in his nasally American accent. Honestly to me it sounds like he's trying to make his shit property look pretty but at the end of the day that's exactly what it is, shit.

That doesn't mean I dislike the view Ashley waters offers though. I look longingly out the huge windows, and at the green grass and pretty trees outside. The outdoor area is beautiful and full of so much greenery. There is even a fountain! At this moment I'm willing to cut off my own arm to get away from this sweaty and poor excuse of a teacher and go into the beautiful outdoors, which is still humid and dewy from the rain.

Luckily for me, I'm not made to spend more time with him as we approach a green door which reads the room number i'm meant to be in. Mr Hendricks grips the handle with his hairy paws and it releases a sharp squeal of protest.

The whole class goes silent as Mr Hendricks walks towards the teacher at the front of the classroom. The poor woman in charge quickly gets up from her seat as he briskly walks towards her.

Me being me, I study the teacher as Mr Hendricks talks to her. Her curly chocolate hair frames her face, showing me the reasons why I believe in brown again (it's an important belief to hype colours up). She fumbles around hysterically and I watch with a smirk on my face as she shows discomfort, not wanting to be here much similarly to me.

I snap back to reality when I realise Mr Hendricks is leaving and I'm stuck in a classroom full of strangers.

Walking towards the teacher, she gives me a small pitiful smile and takes in my soaked self in, "I see you got stuck in the rain. You poor thing, my name is Ms Johnson and welcome to AP English with me."

I see as Ms Johnson becomes more comfortable in her environment, clearly being in charge again. Hmm... so she has a control thing I'm guessing.

I smile at her, following basic manners and shit and reply to her welcome, "Thank you I guess. The rain wasn't really bad so I'm quite okay." I hold onto my wrist in an awkward gesture as the teacher removes her round glasses to wipe them on her floral dress.

Ms Johnson looks up from where she is cleaning her glasses and exclaims, "you're British? Why did Mr Hendricks not tell me this! We're learning about Shakespeare although I bet you've already covered that." She gushes in excitement.

I roll my eyes inwardly and hold back a grimace. Of course she expects me to be directly related to the queen and married to a rich man already. However she's right I have already learnt Shakespeare.

"Class! We have a new student with us today. This is Athena and she'll be joining our English classes from today! Athena please go sit next to Mr Taylor in the third row."

I look around the classroom after being introduced, for this 'Mr Taylor' to see a blonde dude waving at me like a mad man. Assuming he is him, I make my way towards him and his waving self, darting through the various desks.

I slip in next to the overly excited man and almost cry as he turns to look at me, hyper and all. I really don't want to carry out a conversation. His hair looks like wheat which he wears in a man bun, huge brown eyes remind me of a puppy and he has the pretty bone structure of a woman. I take him in, in all of his... umm greatness.

"Hey, my name's Luke! I heard you've just moved here."

I choose to ignore the crazy man hoping I can manifest a brick wall between us and instead take out a notebook and a pencil. Please go away. Please go away. Please go awa-

"Hello?!! Awww why won't you talk to me? I promise I don't bite. I'll even share some chocolate with you." He pouts like a baby, hoping to persuade me.

I don't know why I'm not talking to you sir. Maybe it's because YOU WERE WAVING AT ME LIKE AN UNHINGED OLD MAN AND HAVE THE ENERGY OF A HYPER ACTIVE CHILD WI- wait. Did he say chocolate?

I clench my fists in attempt not to attack his ass for my chocolate.


He looks at me confused, his full attention towards me now.

"Athena Frost. It's my name." I actually turn to look at him this time and his lips part in surprise that I'm actually talking to him.

"You're British. That's so cool! Why'd you move here?" He looks at me with those puppy eyes and I can't help but answer him. Yes, me, Athena Frost, the queen of cold hearts, am actually choosing to ignore my annoyance at the British remark for once and answer his question.

"My parents moved for work purposes." I lie smoothly straight through my teeth. Pffft. What parents? The dead one or the psychotic bitch? Shh.

"Oh that's cool. If you ever need anything you can ask us." He smiles brightly, not catching on to the lie and instead takes out some foreign chocolates from his bag.

I swallow my guilt bitterly and smile at his back, hoping it won't falter. "Us?" He hands me the chocolate as he replies to my question.

"Oh yeah! Me and my brothers!" He says as he runs a hand through his soft hair and rests his chin in his palm, giving me all of his attention. Hesitatingly, I open the chocolate bar, praying to willy wonka it isn't poisoned and take a bite.

Luke looks at me expecting some sort of comment as I twirl the chocolate around my mouth. It melts from the warmth and I close my eyes in bliss. This chocolate could fuck me any day.

"I knew you would like it. It's my absolute favourite." He starts rambling on about chocolate and I let myself genuinely smile. This poor kid doesn't know this is my first time after a while trying chocolate.

With absolute no hesitancy, Luke questions, "Can I see your schedule?" And of course I let him. Thats when I realise I have none. Shit.

"Shit! Hendricks didn't print me one" I let out a groan in frustration.

The bell rings and I start packing my shit together. Luke laughs a bit at my annoyance which is shown through my aggressive packing.

"Let's get you to Mr Blackbourne then. He prints them out for students." Linking arms with me, Luke leads me to this so called Mr Blackbourne's office. Oh my lord. It's going to be a long day.

How did I do??

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